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Air Raid Shelters...Pipworth Road School


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I lived on the Manor, left in 1975. I went to Pipworth Road School. I remember the air raid shelters on the fields at the back of the school. When we were playing on the fields after school, we used to dare each other to go in, but I was'nt brave enough, they smelled awful. I left the Estate before they were disposed of.

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  • 4 years later...

Back in the 50s I used to find it scary dropping through the hole in the ground straight into the deepest part of the shelter, you never knew if some monster or a ghost was waiting for you. One time when panicking to get out, thinking something might be coming up behind me, I came a right cropper tripping over a concrete bench support in the pitch black, skinned and bleeding hands and shins.


Great fun though.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 8 years later...

I was born on the 'Lower' Manor (Snob) in 1952 on Beaumont Road 'North' . I remember going over the camels hump in the shelter and staying there untill after school. I helped/aided in digging out the top. Not many went over that blocked tunnel. They used to think there were skellitons beyond in the dark. I never did my geography homework and was in for the cane every Friday and Monday for ages cos I always said that the weekends were my free time. I never knew what any of the teachers were talking about. The palms of my hands were harder and calloused tougher than my Dad's. Went through the Infants, Juniors and Seniors at Pipworth and come out thicker than when I started at 4 years of age..

We'd never had homework before at Pipworth and going up to the Seniors was an eye opener to life. Only ever wagged it twice, one day in the juniors and set a trap for the School Bobby (put wire across the top of the steps on Dawlands Close, knowing he was going to the house of another wagger).  And the last week of School before I left the Seniors to start work. It was a hard life being thick. Now they call it dyslexia.

Bob G

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