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Not letting suspicious man in.. Did I do right?

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I just had a bloke knock on my door, (never seen him before in my life) bit dodgy looking...


He said "I am going to visit 'XXXX' who lives in number XX opposite, but he's not in. I'm freezing my 'nads' off, can I come in and wait?" In a manner as if he 'naturally' expected me to expected me to comply (and a bit aggressive)


I said "No sorry, I know it's horrible cold, but my husband isn't here, yet ( ;) ) and I don't let anyone into my house I don' know!"


He was a bit narked, but I closed the door on him, and locked it back up.


I didn't like the idea of leaving him standing in the cold, but I didn't know him from Adam and did not like the idea of letting some stranger into my home.


Part of me felt a bit guilty, but I felt I'd rather be safe than sorry.

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O Plain Talker - do you not see the parrallels:


It's Christmas and a stranger knocks on your door seeking shelter -


You may have just shut the door on the second coming!


Second coming? PMSL! :lol:


If it was, didn't anyone tell him Christmas it's another FORTNIGHT yet till the "Birth of Christ"?! :lol:

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You did the right thing PT hun, he may very well have been going to visit 'xxxx' but for all you knew he could have been out to rob you or worse :( I would have done exactly the same thing in your position, nobody gets into my house who I don't know unless it's someone official with I.D. etc.

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O Plain Talker - do you not see the parrallels:


It's Christmas and a stranger knocks on your door seeking shelter -


You may have just shut the door on the second coming!


PMSL :hihi:


Yup! When I'm in on my own there's no room at this inn, I'm afraid!

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Sad as it is to say this, you can't afford to be too careful, especially if you're a woman alone, and even more so if you're not that able to defend yourself or your home if needed.


In your position I'd probably have said the same PT, even though I've got my very own protection detail (the furry one).

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Now that is what I would constitute as suspicious behaviour, does your husband know about you having men come knock on the door, in the freezing cold, so you can turn them away.

Where did you get him from and how much do they cost, I wonder if I could book one, and rent a dog to chase him.


Hello PT hope your keeping well.

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