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Not letting suspicious man in.. Did I do right?

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People that you may not know but who are possessed of some tact would not be asking a female to be allowed entrance into her home.


Yes, indeed it is cold outside. :rolleyes: We all know this but we don't all crash in stranger's houses when our pal isn't home. If he was visiting a mate, it would be a good idea to let them know he was coming round, or to give them a call if they were unexpectedly absent.

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Good on ya, I'd also contact the person to see if they recieved a visitor matching his description because (and I say this not in a patronising manner but in one where you can be assured of the maximum compliance) "As a disabled woman on her own" you thought it may be a ploy to gain entry to your home.


If said chappy denies it then contact the old bill ....... Some little old biddy could be saved from having her head stoved in for a tenner.


got to agree with SV here PT....give the police a call to report this odd event.


this person may well have tried it on, and suceeded, at someone more vulnerable's home.



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They're just words that mean nothing, aren't they?Let someone else help while I pass by on the other side.


The world is scattered with the bodies of people who had good intentions.

Try moving into today's real world. Have you never watched Crimewatch?

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They're just words that mean nothing, aren't they?Let someone else help while I pass by on the other side.


Oh shut up troll.


You did right PT. I was a bit unnerved last night when I opened the door to 3 blokes who said they were from the Red Cross. They were asking for donations so I told them I hadn't got any money. Sorry if they were genuine, but I just don't trust anybody these days.

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I just had a bloke knock on my door, (never seen him before in my life) bit dodgy looking...


He said "I am going to visit 'XXXX' who lives in number XX opposite, but he's not in. I'm freezing my 'nads' off, can I come in and wait?" In a manner as if he 'naturally' expected me to expected me to comply (and a bit aggressive)


I said "No sorry, I know it's horrible cold, but my husband isn't here, yet ( ;) ) and I don't let anyone into my house I don' know!"


He was a bit narked, but I closed the door on him, and locked it back up.


I didn't like the idea of leaving him standing in the cold, but I didn't know him from Adam and did not like the idea of letting some stranger into my home.


Part of me felt a bit guilty, but I felt I'd rather be safe than sorry.


I wouldn't have even opened the door- check if you know who it is first, if not shout through the door to see what they want.

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Oh shut up troll.


You did right PT. I was a bit unnerved last night when I opened the door to 3 blokes who said they were from the Red Cross. They were asking for donations so I told them I hadn't got any money. Sorry if they were genuine, but I just don't trust anybody these days.


Sir/Madam,please try and keep a civil tongue in your head!I have found over many years that to mistrust people as your "default setting" does you more harm in the long run than having your trust in people occaisionaly abused.It eats you up inside and your suspicion grows and grows.

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