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Not letting suspicious man in.. Did I do right?

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I wouldn`t have thought any genuine person would knock on a strangers door and expect to be let in.

Personally, as a woman living alone, I don`t open my door to anyone after `business` hours unless I know them.


Edited cos someone might misunderstand `business` hours. That`s not mine but postie, gasman etc. (just thought I`d get in first) :)

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I think my nads would have fallen off before I knocked on a strangers door and asked them if I could borrow a coat whilst I waited.


Even then I wouldn't have the balls to do so.


Boom Boom, get it.

Ok Sorry this is a serious thread.

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I wouldn`t have thought any genuine person would knock on a strangers door and expect to be let in.

Personally, as a woman living alone, I don`t open my door to anyone after `business` hours unless I know them.


Edited cos someone might misunderstand `business` hours. That`s not mine but postie, gasman etc. (just thought I`d get in first) :)


There have been enough scare stories about women living alone reported in SF. He wouldn't have got through my front door.

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Good on ya, I'd also contact the person to see if they recieved a visitor matching his description because (and I say this not in a patronising manner but in one where you can be assured of the maximum compliance) "As a disabled woman on her own" you thought it may be a ploy to gain entry to your home.


If said chappy denies it then contact the old bill ....... Some little old biddy could be saved from having her head stoved in for a tenner.

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