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Not letting suspicious man in.. Did I do right?

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Sad as it is to say this, you can't afford to be too careful, especially if you're a woman alone, and even more so if you're not that able to defend yourself or your home if needed.


In your position I'd probably have said the same PT, even though I've got my very own protection detail (the furry one).


That reminds me of 20-odd years ago, when my ex and I had Queenie and Sheba, our GSDs and ex was walking home from a pal's house, through the Wicker with Sheba.


Some geezer accosted ex, in a threatening sort of manner. Sheba just stood up on her hind legs, put her (not inconsiderable) paws on his shoulders, and had her beautiful "land-shark" teeth, snapping, millimetres from the guy's face. (smiles sweetly)


Ex said that it was the only time he had ever actually seen a black man literally turn deathly white!


The potential assailant shot away like all the hounds of hell (so to speak) were after him.


It's funny, cos our Sheebsy was as soft as a brush with us and the kids.


Trix is a noisy little lass, a proper "yapper", and a very good little "house-dog" if anyone comes to my door, but I don't know if she'd be much cop as a guard-dog hehe.

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plain talker - pm me. You need an alarm and a security assesment


I think PT knows her own mind - and I think I'd agree with the general tone of posts so far (bar yours). For me it's all to do with gut feeling - if she felt the guy 'wasn't right' then she did right.

I once let a bloke I didn't know sleep on my settee - he was genuinely in a spot of bother having had his works van and cash nicked and no way to get back to Scunthorpe - and more to the point he just came across as a decent honest sort of person. I suppose it's easier for a bloke to feel confident in this kind of situation though.

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