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Not letting suspicious man in.. Did I do right?

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I just had a bloke knock on my door, (never seen him before in my life) bit dodgy looking...


He said "I am going to visit 'XXXX' who lives in number XX opposite, but he's not in. I'm freezing my 'nads' off, can I come in and wait?" In a manner as if he 'naturally' expected me to expected me to comply (and a bit aggressive)


I said "No sorry, I know it's horrible cold, but my husband isn't here, yet ( ;) ) and I don't let anyone into my house I don' know!"


He was a bit narked, but I closed the door on him, and locked it back up.


I didn't like the idea of leaving him standing in the cold, but I didn't know him from Adam and did not like the idea of letting some stranger into my home.


Part of me felt a bit guilty, but I felt I'd rather be safe than sorry.


in an ideal world pt......


but it ain't.....and a woman home alone.....keep the strangers ooot babe! :D

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but no security awareness - hey ho.


doesn't it say "God helps those who help themselves"?


Gut instincts are usually the best instincts to look at, (If your gut tells you something "smells a funny colour" as my old mum would say, then it's surely wise to use a bit of common?)

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As a religious type you should be offering kindness and hospitality to someone in need.Your god would look after you. Or are they just words in a book?


as I said, above...


I don't need to test my faith in God by stepping off a bridge in the hope that He won't let me hit the waters below.


And I certainly don't want to put myself in the position of making myself even more vulnerable than I already am. "Self-preservation above all, and all that"...


The only reason I answered the door was that it was the time my Home Care was due, and I expected that it was the HH there.

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What an arrogant remark that was - but you're in the business of selling to peoples fears aren't you so it's perhaps to be expected.


If anything were to put me off the idea of buying from a company, it would be that, certainly. Scare tactics don't work on me.

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I'm not talking about testing your faith.I'm talking about doing what the scriptures say you should do to help your fellow man.And I think god would be more inclined to help people who help others,not help those who help themselves.


There's a pub literally yards away, over the road, so there'd have been nothing to have stopped him sheltering there, and getting a "warm"...


(so no genuine reason for him to be knocking on my door, and asking to come into my house, really...?)

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You did the right thing. Its frightening stuff when your on your own. Last year I was having a late night watching a film, it was about 2am when there was a knock on my front door. I didnt go to the door but looked out of the living room window, there was a man asking me to open the door, I said "no, what do you want" he said that he was looking for someone, a lady, small with black hair, then he asked me to open the door again, I refused and said that I dont know the lady in question and said goodnight to him. Scary stuff :(

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You did the right thing. Its frightening stuff when your on your own. Last year I was having a late night watching a film, it was about 2am when there was a knock on my front door. I didnt go to the door but looked out of the living room window, there was a man asking me to open the door, I said "no, what do you want" he said that he was looking for someone, a lady, small with black hair, then he asked me to open the door again, I refused and said that I dont know the lady in question and said goodnight to him. Scary stuff :(


Flippin' heck WW that'd have had me terrified, at that time of night! hope he cleared off, PDQ!


After all the hassles I have had, lately, what with the prowlers and the attempted Burglary three weeks ago, I think It's keeping my wits about me, by keeping the suspicious types out!

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