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Not letting suspicious man in.. Did I do right?

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I just had a bloke knock on my door, (never seen him before in my life) bit dodgy looking...

I didn't like the idea of leaving him standing in the cold, but I didn't know him from Adam and did not like the idea of letting some stranger into my home.


Part of me felt a bit guilty, but I felt I'd rather be safe than sorry.


DO NOT feel guilty at all. You did absolutely 100% the right thing. You've got to ask yourself who in their right mind would actually think it O.K. to knock on a strangers door and ask to be let in to their house???

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I'm not talking about testing your faith.I'm talking about doing what the scriptures say you should do to help your fellow man.And I think god would be more inclined to help people who help others,not help those who help themselves.


I live a Christian life as well as I am able. I will always help people if I can but if I was home alone and some strange bloke came knocking on my door wanting to come in and warm himself cos he was waiting for a friend, there is absolutely *no way* I would let him past my front door. And especially now PT has said there was a pub nearby. No, he was up to no good. There's charity and there's stupidity and to let him in would have been stupid.

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doesn't it say "God helps those who help themselves"?


Gut instincts are usually the best instincts to look at, (If your gut tells you something "smells a funny colour" as my old mum would say, then it's surely wise to use a bit of common?)


Thank you for that comment PT, I found it re-assuring during a distressing time.

And gave me some peace.

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PT - did you let the local police officers know there was somebody going about trying to gain access to strangers' houses? If it's nothing... *shrugs*.. if he's up to no good, you may have saved somebody a traumatic experience


I'm in the rather happy position of having mobile numbers for all my nearest neighbours (and knowing them by name) so I'd have either known he was bluffing if he got the name wrong, or would have been able to ring said neighbour to confirm if he was friend rather than foe

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I know this is somewhat different, but I have brought a freezing cold stranger into our house


I could hear a baby crying at a bus stop, and knew there weren't any more buses for hours. It was already 11pm and down to 1degree according to the dashboard thermometer on the car


I cautiously approached the young woman who was wrestling with a takeaway, a small child and too much luggage, and offered that she could come inside and wait for her lift, as it was clearly WAY too cold for the child outside


She didn't ask, and she was in no way threatening!


We were laughing about the fact that she was gobsmacked at me running the risk of asking her in, but I pointed out that she was equally taking a risk by accepting!

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There are people who go round knocking on doors to simply find out if old or vulnerable people live there. They collect information so that houses can be robbed or contracts obtained for doing unnecessary work.

You do not need a concience for not letting total strangers into your house, simply email all those so called Good Samaritans who suggested that you let these folk in, asking them to come round and collect them themselves. I bet there wouldn't be a rush.

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You did the right thing...I would have done the same. But I do find it sad that the trust in this world is gone. When will we ever trust each other again. And lets not forget, there are many nice people in the world..in fact it's the small percentage of criminals that have created this world where we can not trust people.

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I know this is somewhat different, but I have brought a freezing cold stranger into our house


I could hear a baby crying at a bus stop, and knew there weren't any more buses for hours. It was already 11pm and down to 1degree according to the dashboard thermometer on the car


I cautiously approached the young woman who was wrestling with a takeaway, a small child and too much luggage, and offered that she could come inside and wait for her lift, as it was clearly WAY too cold for the child outside


She didn't ask, and she was in no way threatening!


We were laughing about the fact that she was gobsmacked at me running the risk of asking her in, but I pointed out that she was equally taking a risk by accepting!


Good on ya strix, thats a heart warming post :)

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