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Not letting suspicious man in.. Did I do right?

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I know this is somewhat different, but I have brought a freezing cold stranger into our house


I could hear a baby crying at a bus stop, and knew there weren't any more buses for hours. It was already 11pm and down to 1degree according to the dashboard thermometer on the car


I cautiously approached the young woman who was wrestling with a takeaway, a small child and too much luggage, and offered that she could come inside and wait for her lift, as it was clearly WAY too cold for the child outside


She didn't ask, and she was in no way threatening!


We were laughing about the fact that she was gobsmacked at me running the risk of asking her in, but I pointed out that she was equally taking a risk by accepting!


Yeah, a baby out there in the cold would be quite a bit different than a grown chap. (and yes good on you strix. At that time of night there wouldn't really be a pub or anything for her to take shelter in)

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There are people who go round knocking on doors to simply find out if old or vulnerable people live there. They collect information so that houses can be robbed or contracts obtained for doing unnecessary work.

You do not need a concience for not letting total strangers into your house, simply email all those so called Good Samaritans who suggested that you let these folk in, asking them to come round and collect them themselves. I bet there wouldn't be a rush.

This post has just reminded me - PT, weren't you nearly broken into in the last fortnight?


Please have a chat with the community officers if nothing else

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you did exactly the right thing, and anyone who is 'narked' when a woman says that shed prefer her husband around with a stranger in the house is probably not the kind of person you want in your house anyway. :)


Also i cant imagine knocking on someones door asking to be let in in the first place...how odd !!



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You were certainly right PT. As a hairy backsided former rugby player, I'd have offered a cuppa, and a chat on the door, but if someone were up to no good, I doubt they'd ask to come into my place.


If they were willing to wait, perhaps I'd let them in, but without wishing to do the macho thing, there is a huge difference between me as a former prop forward, and you as a lady with difficulties (as feisty as you are!).

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This post has just reminded me - PT, weren't you nearly broken into in the last fortnight?


Please have a chat with the community officers if nothing else


yes, strix, it was three weeks ago yesterday, actually, I had an attempted burglary. The scroates managed to get my living room window open, but, to my knowledge didn't get any further. Sadly, forensics didn't get any evidence.(fingerprints etc)

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you did exactly the right thing, and anyone who is 'narked' when a woman says that shed prefer her husband around with a stranger in the house is probably not the kind of person you want in your house anyway. :)


Also i cant imagine knocking on someones door asking to be let in in the first place...how odd !!




My bold.


Unless he was aware the neighbour and PT knew each other?


I don't know that though. Just a thought.



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I don't even open the door to strangers, let alone let them in! If someone strange comes to my door I speak to them through the window! I know it is really sad that you can't trust people that haven't (yet) done anything wrong to you but better be safe than sorry. Like others have said, nobody in their right mind would expect to just make themselves comfy in a lone woman's house!!

You definitely did the right thing. If it had been me I would have taken a description and phoned the police to let them know that there is POTENTIALLY someone up to no good. They could easily check his story out - and if he was being naughty, deal with him before somebody got stung!! If I was wrong I would have chased the poor guy and brought him back for Sherry and mince pies!!! ha

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