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Not letting suspicious man in.. Did I do right?

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My bold.


Unless he was aware the neighbour and PT knew each other?


I don't know that though. Just a thought.


The neighbour concerned (If the man was, indeed, genuinely visiting him) has only been in that property a couple of weeks. So there's no ay he'd know me or my circumstances.


Plus, what also "smelt a funny colour" was that there are four properties between mine and the property concerned, as well as two more above/closer than mine on the other side.


As I said, my gut instinct was that the chap, as cold as he was was not genuine.


I don't like being inhospitable, but, even more so, I don't like putting my own safety at risk, either.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a bit of an update on this chap and this incident.


I was talking to a neighbour about it, and she was saying that she'd had a similar incident with the same man, a day or so later.


She said the chap had tried to insist that he was going to come inside her house to drink his Cider, and had the same insistent attitude, of "of course you are going to think nothing of me, trying to get into your house, drunk-as-a-skunk, or not!":- Unbelieveable! - as if it were the most natural thing in the world, to have some stranger treat your house as their own, and plonk themselves down on your sofa!!!


Neighbour said he got a bit shirty with her, when she told him that there was no way she was going to let him in, just like he did with me.


So it seems my instincts were right:- this bloke was as fishy as a fish's fishy bits, and I was more than sensible to shut the door on him!

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what is the world coming too!!. when we lived down Attercliffe in the early 70's you could leave your door unlocked and no one would dare enter, but now days you just can't trust anyone. You definitely did the right thing PT


I also remember my mother being able to leave her door unlocked. Okay, we probably didn't have anything remotely like we have today, worth nicking, with our PCs, videos, hi-fi's, and mobile phones, but, still, when you've paid hard-earned money for your trantlements, you expect to be able to enjoy them, without some scroate nicking them, or like this bloke, trying to take liberties with your home.

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