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Can anyone remember lees hall known as Earpes farm in the 50`s


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Welcome to the forum annbart.


Glad someone else remembers it.


Used to play in the deserted buildings in the early 60's when I was 'knee high to a woodlouse'.


Painted mostly white if I remember correctly. Spent hours there, looking for birds eggs (before I became a caring citizen mind you) in the beams and rafters.


Remember the pond...full of newts, frogs and toads. It was just a dried-up depression last time I went up there to reminisce with my sons.


There was also a kind of underground structure - brick built - across the track from it that went down pretty deep. It was scary!!

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Spent many hours in Cat Lane woods with my dogs, until I left the area a couple of years ago.

Used to nip down Northcote Ave., down the incline, passing the whitewashed cottage on the right, and then up through the woods.....

Great in summer, fabulous in the snow - I used to let the dogs off the lead when we passed the cottage, and they made for the couple of flat fields on the left...

God, did they enjoy that!

Up towards Newfield School, before dropping down to the stream (Meers Brook, actually)....a quick dip (the dogs, not me!) before heading for home and stinking the place out as they dried off....

Fear that the cottage I mentioned is the only building still standing as far as I know....

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