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Christmas Round Robin


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Nice one Hopman!


Short but to the point, you've gone for a sobering reminder of how things were - unless you've blended it with the past, present & future theme and are actually giving us a glimpse of how things will be once the economic 'downturn' takes hold...


It made me stop and think, and count a few blessings.

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The people I've shown this to have found it amusing, yet the opinions on here seem to suggest it's a more serious piece. It was certainly meant as a humourous piece (as is something in a similar vein I'm working on).

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(Hopman) "The people I've shown this to have found it amusing, yet the opinions on here seem to suggest it's a more serious piece."


I enjoyed the letter, but did stop laughing when the youngsters started kicking the bucket. Maybe that is where the snigger might become a frown and where phrases such as "thought-provoking" and "sobering reminder" might spring to mind.


Have you seen the new Clint Eastwood film, Changeling? That also touches on the theme of harsh goings-on with youngsters and I noticed, when I watched it recently, there was barely a titter in the house.


Perhaps those without children may be more likely to view your letter as humourous and those with children will see it in a more serious light. Either way, it seems to appeal to all.

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