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The Flaming Dragon, Centertainment

choc- aholic

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Well I personally feel it's the best of a bad bunch. The food was slightly less greasy here than it was at Wokmania or Jumbos, but I personally prefer paying an extra £5 and getting a much better all you can eat from a sit down restaurant

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I really like flaming dragon!! Been there a few times now, they're crispy ducks; just nom nom nom :D Prices are steep for the drinks, they should do re-fillable soft drinks but we can't have everything can we!! Wokmania went really down hill I think, I think it might have even shut down? Not seen it open for a while? Anyone got any news on it? Where else is a nice chinese buffet in Sheffield?

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  • 11 months later...

last saturday my 13year old daughter and her 2 friends headed off for lunch at the sfd table booked and hair done it was a treat they were so looking forward to a girly day, lunch and then meadowhall.they paid up front as requested each paid individually my daughter only had a 20 pound note so asked the waitress if that was ok the waitress came back with 4 pound change, my daughter said this was incorrect and after a few babbled words from the waitress off she went to get a colleague he was very abrupt and said that he would give her the other 10 pound and that they would check cctv and if she was found to be lying they would phone the police, of course this caused her great distress they rushed to eat there meal and went, one of the girls went home 2 hours later after being sick . I contacted the manager and after speaking to him he said he would investigate , he called me 2 days later but i was at work .I then called him several times but he did not return my call I managed to speak to him a week later after being told he was too busy to discuss it with me. He basically told me that my daughter and her friends were lying and that all customers are treat the same they were also only given water to drink and dare not ask for coke . I asked for the head office contact details but was told he could not give them to me i have also been on the website and tried to contact the pr department and it is impossible , is there any redress?

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hi grumpy. Everytime we go there they always seem to be funny with the young un's, like you said they make em pay up first before eating, probably in fear of them doing a runner but i think thats wrong. If i was you id pay them a little visit and make a stance. They should'nt treat kids the way they treated your daughter, after all her money is just as good as anybody else's. good luck

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