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Holiday Romance...Please help!!!


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I met a great guy from Sheffield last week while we were both on holiday in Australia.

We spoke for hours and he gave me his number but since I have returned home I can't find it anywhere.

All I have are the following clues:


He was in Oz visiting relations with his sister,parents and best friend.


This was a surprise holiday as he was 40 years old on 27th November.


He works in I.T. in Sheffield and his workmates got him a stripagram for his b/day.


He has an 8 year old daughter called Katylyn who goes to private school.


His wife was called Kate I believe who sadly died of cancer 5 years ago.


He returned back to Manchester Airport on friday 12th december.


Please please help me track him down as I really do want to see him again.


Thank you.

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I am amazed that if you were talking for "hours" he didn't mention which area of Sheffield he lived or places he frequented.

I note the spelling of his daughter's name, Katylyn; have you seen that written down? Could it be Caitlin? Didn't you pass on any information about yourself such that he may contact you?

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