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Holiday Romance...Please help!!!


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You might get more readers/feedback if you reposted this on Sheffield discussions.His daughter wasn't with him because she had to be in school.When I was a lad it was possible to take time off from school to go on holiday with your family but this cannot now be done.In fact,I think it's illegal.The best of luck with your search.

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You might get more readers/feedback if you reposted this on Sheffield discussions.His daughter wasn't with him because she had to be in school.When I was a lad it was possible to take time off from school to go on holiday with your family but this cannot now be done.In fact,I think it's illegal.The best of luck with your search.


Before anyone else falls for the OP's holiday romance sob story you might want to check out the link I posted earlier (and repeated below). Oh, and other forum posts that come up when HIS username is googled appear to subtly tie in with the issue HE has in the aforementioned link.....




Sorry to rumble you Unisign but I regularly read the Contractor UK forum and your post on there aroused my curiosity.


Edit: Somehow I don't think "aroused" is the appropriate word but I couldn't think of any other way to put it.

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From simonj's link, posted by unsign:


"This is not a bad guess.


He had his birthday bash on 27th November and gave my wife a present nether of us wanted so I'd like to arrange a meeting with him to discuss!!!"


Unsign is a "he" seeking romance with another "he" who in turn has put unsign's wife in the family way.


Just another routine day on Coronation st.


Or, as simon says, we've all been had.


I'm with the latter. Nice one, Mr. unsign.

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