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Balloonists to the edge of space


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I read in the paper a couple of days ago that two middle age mentalists, ahem adventurers were supposed to be going up in a balloon yesterday (2nd Sep) in Cornwall. This was supposed to be the biggest balloon ever and they would sit in a platform underneath it in Russian made spacesuits and this balloon would get to the edge of space, about 25 miles up! :o

Apparantly the balloon would be so big you'd be able to see it from most parts of England and it would appear about the size of a £1 coin if you held it at arms length.

Being the saddo that I am I was out for a good walk yesterday and kept looking in the clear skies but didn't see anything.

Does anybody know what happened?

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Originally posted by halevan

What do these nutters hope to acheive by going 25 mls. above the Earth? Just to say they have been there? It isn't any practical use, so why bother, adventurous? crazy more like!


why goto the moon if the earth is "ok"

why goto another continent if europe is "ok"

why goto another town if sheffield is "ok"

why goto another part of sheffield if your area is "ok"

why goto another part of your house if your bed is "ok"

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