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Excuse me for being abit thick If im wrong but if you work full time when exactly are you studying?? your dinner break? at night? weekend??


Exactly. At the moment I study 20 hours a week in uni (lectures, seminars etc.) then on top of that I have personal studies which should be about the same. So that's 40 hours we week. Now in terms of work - because a student I have no choice. People think students have money? Where is this from? The only time a student has money is if they get a student loan. So with that as a choice I don't really want to come out of uni, with a degree you've all deemed as worthless, with £15000 worth of debt to pay off. In terms of work I have to work 70 + hours a week during holidays and save every penny to afford everything.


And not forgetting other extra voluntary work I do each week that takes up about 20 hours of my time. The voluntary work is so I have experience for future jobs in the field I want to work in.


I didn't intend on getting into a debate about this. I just hate to see very uneducated opinions being thrown out there.

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Hallamton, forgive the whingey-whiney brigade, they're all twisted and bitter 'cos they were educated at the pit face of life and consolidated their knowledge at the university of reality and hard knocks.


If only you're organisation had been around when I was a student I might not have had to forgo holidays for 4 years, probably sustaining secondary lung cancer along the way from working behind bars.

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Well thats what student loans are for hence why they are called student loans :loopy: and if you work so many hours a week firstly why do you need money to afford everything?? secondly if you worked so much surely paying the loan wouldnt be such a problem as like you say you work so many hours a week and if money is such a problem why do voluntary work? doesnt it cost to get there get home for dinners etc wouldnt logic state if you cant really afford to do it not to do it.


And I think its abit harsh to say un educated opinions the reason being a opinion is simply a opinion just because you dont agree with it, it doesnt make it wrong.


Also why should the working people of today help students if they did come out of uni with a wonderful job would they be willing to put something back into what the working population has paid out??......I THINK NOT!




Exactly. At the moment I study 20 hours a week in uni (lectures, seminars etc.) then on top of that I have personal studies which should be about the same. So that's 40 hours we week. Now in terms of work - because a student I have no choice. People think students have money? Where is this from? The only time a student has money is if they get a student loan. So with that as a choice I don't really want to come out of uni, with a degree you've all deemed as worthless, with £15000 worth of debt to pay off. In terms of work I have to work 70 + hours a week during holidays and save every penny to afford everything.


And not forgetting other extra voluntary work I do each week that takes up about 20 hours of my time. The voluntary work is so I have experience for future jobs in the field I want to work in.


I didn't intend on getting into a debate about this. I just hate to see very uneducated opinions being thrown out there.

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you see thats a misconception because they are not willing to pay for scroungers they simply dont have a choice.


I just guessed that while people are willing to pay the benefits for scroungers who sit on their bum all day doing nothing, they might want to think about people who actually need money.
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Hallamton, forgive the whingey-whiney brigade, they're all twisted and bitter 'cos they were educated at the pit face of life and consolidated their knowledge at the university of reality and hard knocks.


If only you're organisation had been around when I was a student I might not have had to forgo holidays for 4 years, probably sustaining secondary lung cancer along the way from working behind bars.


Haha, you are so hilarious, not sure if this is real whinging or you are being sarcastic


When I was a student I worked in a Bar 4/5 nights a week from 7pm till 2/3am then I got up and went to uni, I got sufficient loans, not too much I think it was about 2000 a term,...I managed and had a great social life I think I drank most nights even though some where house parties which are obviously cheaper than going out on the town, I even managed to put about 2 stone on which means I was able to afford to eat,....


You're talking a load of crap!

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thanks alot mate


point proven I REST MY CASE

as SL31 proved it is possible if you try hard enough.


Haha, you are so hilarious, not sure if this is real whinging or you are being sarcastic


When I was a student I worked in a Bar 4/5 nights a week from 7pm till 2/3am then I got up and went to uni, I got sufficient loans, not too much I think it was about 2000 a term,...I managed and had a great social life I think I drank most nights even though some where house parties which are obviously cheaper than going out on the town, I even managed to put about 2 stone on which means I was able to afford to eat,....


You're talking a load of crap!

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Well thats what student loans are for hence why they are called student loans :loopy: and if you work so many hours a week firstly why do you need money to afford everything?? secondly if you worked so much surely paying the loan wouldnt be such a problem as like you say you work so many hours a week and if money is such a problem why do voluntary work? doesnt it cost to get there get home for dinners etc wouldnt logic state if you cant really afford to do it not to do it.


And I think its abit harsh to say un educated opinions the reason being a opinion is simply a opinion just because you dont agree with it, it doesnt make it wrong.


Also why should the working people of today help students if they did come out of uni with a wonderful job would they be willing to put something back into what the working population has paid out??......I THINK NOT!


Oh great. A student loan so I can finish uni in debt....great idea. Well let's look at the costs of uni. Accomodation costs about £65 a week so over a year that's £3380. Tuition fees are another £3000. Living costs like food and bills. You're looking at another £3000. So I'm supposed to save over £9000 by working during holidays...which is in all about 10 weeks a year. Most jobs pay barely above minimum wage so I get around £6.50. So in 10 weeks I have to get £9000 earning £6.50 an hour...do the math.


And voluntary work is a necessasity so I can gain experience in the field I want to do when I finish uni...which I've already put if you'd cared to read.


Why would working people pay? The only thing tax payers money goes towards is student grants and bursaries which only a minority get. So you really pay nothing in comparison to what studens have to pay for. And in terms of what you get back anyway? I take it you or your family have been to a hospital - nurses and docters were both students. As were many of the people who provide an important service to you.

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Oh great. A student loan so I can finish uni in debt....great idea. Well let's look at the costs of uni. Accomodation costs about £65 a week so over a year that's £3380. Tuition fees are another £3000. Living costs like food and bills. You're looking at another £3000. So I'm supposed to save over £9000 by working during holidays...which is in all about 10 weeks a year. Most jobs pay barely above minimum wage so I get around £6.50. So in 10 weeks I have to get £9000 earning £6.50 an hour...do the math.


And voluntary work is a necessasity so I can gain experience in the field I want to do when I finish uni...which I've already put if you'd cared to read.


Why would working people pay? The only thing tax payers money goes towards is student grants and bursaries which only a minority get. So you really pay nothing in comparison to what studens have to pay for. And in terms of what you get back anyway? I take it you or your family have been to a hospital - nurses and docters were both students. As were many of the people who provide an important service to you.


Get a student loan and shut your whingin :P

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Haha, you are so hilarious, not sure if this is real whinging or you are being sarcastic


When I was a student I worked in a Bar 4/5 nights a week from 7pm till 2/3am then I got up and went to uni, I got sufficient loans, not too much I think it was about 2000 a term,...I managed and had a great social life I think I drank most nights even though some where house parties which are obviously cheaper than going out on the town, I even managed to put about 2 stone on which means I was able to afford to eat,....


You're talking a load of crap!


You've got a loan though. I don't want to be stupid and finish uni in £££££s of debt.

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