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You've got a loan though. I don't want to be stupid and finish uni in £££££s of debt.


And if you working as hard as you say you are you should have no problem, getting a good job and paying off that loan within a few years,...what are you so scared of?


I think its pretty stupid to ask for charity on a forum for simply being a student, especially when you have options...

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Hallamton, I hope you've reported the thug who burst into your room late at night.


The one wearing a traffic cone on his head, pointing a gun at you and yelling "go to university now or I'll shoot you and yer goldfish! You have no other choice in life but to do as I command!!" :D


Seriously, you didn't expect to post anything on here regarding students in any shape or form and not expect some flack/controversy? :o


If so, for pete's sake don't ever post on any driving or cycling threads...

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Are you a moron? I mean no disrespect but I thought you'd be able to read at least?


As I already put...my initial post was a joke. But after uneducated, negative opinions being thrown around I thought I'd retort.


Lol,....but your still going on about it,...I think you have some problems if you call someone a moron and then say you mean no disrespect and then insult me again be saying you thought i'd a least be able to read...


I'm not offended though, how can I be, you're very funny!:D

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Sigh, what a way for this thread that started the first few posts in jest to turn out.


I'm wondering now, thinking about the timing of the first post, if maybe Hallamton has a touch of the hangovers and that's why he/she has turned so grumpy.


Can't imagine that, unlike me, he/she was working at that time. Perhaps I'm being uncharitable.

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I'm on Hallamton's side ... a bit. The idea of solving the problem of university funding by making all students take out loans and then do full-time courses wasn't the best solution. This is a good idea for some, but there should have been a wider range of ways for students to study - for example, have degrees that run part-time and in the evenings. Some graduates are not much better off on average in terms of lifetime earnings than if they had never been to University. Where this is true it's ridiculous to expect them to take on thousands of pounds of debt to pay for their courses. On the other hand if you're going to have to do paid work while you study anyway, you might as well work full-time and study part-time instead of vice versa.


It would mean missing out on large parts of the student experience though, getting drunk, wandering in front of cars etc.

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Yes I'm grumpy....so therefore it must mean I'm hungover. OR it could be that I get annoyed by the stupidity of people.


And I've been working all night - as well as today...my day off.


Lucky you to get a day off. I haven't had a whole day off in over two years. And before you start in I was a student so I know whereof I speak regarding empty beer bottle collections, traffic cones and pizza. :rolleyes:

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Lucky you to get a day off. I haven't had a whole day off in over two years. And before you start in I was a student so I know whereof I speak regarding empty beer bottle collections, traffic cones and pizza. :rolleyes:


That may be true but when we were students we got grants, housing benefit and income support over the summer holidays.


The changes in funding to University students have just as we predicted at the time prevented social mobility and made access to a university education for the working classes more difficult today than it was 20 years ago.


I remember politically orchestrated police violence against our demonstrations resulting in the horse charge that hospitalised a pregnant woman in the London demonstration. These were the results of a Govt that brought in the Poll tax. The Poll tax protests brought down Maggie. The attacks on a University education for all social classes was lost the preceding year.


It is much more difficult now to go to University without parents to support you than it was in our day and the price we pay for this is reduced social mobility, a lack of meritocracy and all the associated problems.

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