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Hello friends!


In a time where prices are rising and the cost of living is becoming extremely difficult, NADSNYM would like to ask YOU if you have a heart?


The National Association of Deprived Students in Need of Your Money is a charity that has been setup to help the future of our country. In a time where the workshy are getting rewarded with your taxes and the immensly moronic are earning positions of power, we feel it's time for the people who are trying to better themselves in life to get help.


Your donation could help a budding scientist to discover cures for a disease, a criminologist to put an end to crime, a politician to solve the problem of a world at war or a nutritionist to cure world hunger!!


Upon your donation you will receive a personal letter of thanks from the student you have helped as well as a framed, autographed photo of the student.


Please use your head and heart to put an end to student poverty!





(Please PM Hallamton for further details on how you can make a donation. Minimum donation of £10 required for framed autographed photo)

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Oh My Gawd, ten times over !! Here I've been sitting on a fortune, not knowing where to invest it-------and now this wonderful opportunity comes along [ Just one more, ' Oh My Gawd ' ].

I 've often seen poor students, sitting all day in a pub or a bar, looking depressed and careworn and my heart has lurched and tears have come unbidden to my old rheumy eyes.


But now ! At last, I can give some practical help ! I can unload my guilt ! All those years I have been sitting around, smoking, drinking and wasting time , reading and pondering about the world 's problems have not been in vain ! I have seen the light ! Like Paul on the Road To Damflask, I am going to turn over a new leaf. Skip, the framed, autographed photo, I'm just grateful to the Lord that I can do my bit to help old Blighty 's future, in these gloomy times.

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I too have been feeling guilty as I pass by the University, queuing in traffic on my way to my hum drum job.


Those poor students lining up with their suitcases all packed ready to go off on yet another long break, my heart goes out to them. How will they cope at home with their families for all that time over the holiday season with no studies or cheap booze from the Student Union to liven up their days?


My heart will bleed for them when I roll up for work at 0700 on Christmas morning. The guilt I will be feeling. Fareast, please have a few Oh My Gawds for me.

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ASPGuru------as you say, this gives us all a new perspective on the Younger Generation.


For years now, we have been led to believe that students, in general, are a hopeless bunch of whining, self-indulgent, idle, grubby, promiscuous, infantile scrubbers, wasting 3 or 4 years of their time and our money to get useless, pointless degrees and, above all,avoiding the dreaded day when they have to get a job.


I used to think they sat round pubs all day and then stuffed their fat, little faces with beefburgers .....or anything they could get their paws on. Someone even told me they would then career through the streets at night, ' mooning ', making animal noises and throwing beer cans at posh cars !! I couldn 't believe that !........Anyway, now I discover that that is not the true picture ; a mirage ; an invention of the media ; a misconception [ like most of the students, I suspect ! ].


Our students are hard-working, sober and help lame dogs over styles in their spare time. If they do go ' out on the town ', it 's to merely sip a glass of wine and to discuss Modern Western Philosophy. They go home at Yule-tide to Mommy & Daddy to help them with the garden, the cooking, and to tell their doting parents about the wonders of their university lives. How proud and pleased Mom & Dad must be to have their nestlings fly home !


Yes, let us not be smug about their condition. Like me, I know you will be glad to dig deep in your pocket to send these poor mites whatever you can afford. I, myself, have already posted off 4p. to the aforementioned fund and I guess you, too, will be generous to a fault. Oh....and by the way..........Oh My Gawd, again.

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I have been moved almost to tears by reading this. The plight of these poor students has wrung my heart and my withers. I too have dug deep and have found that although I am a trifle short of cash I can help by donating some much cherished chattels.Therefor I am sending to you 1 traffic cone, Half a rather elderly pizza, an assortment of empty beer bottles. I know it's not much but I know that these things are dear to the student heart and hope they go some way to relieving the misery of these poor creatures.

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Wow, I know there's the possibility that you're all joking but I couldn't help feeling (especially in Fareasts 2nd post) that there's some bitter attitudes towards students...and judging by a lot of comments they're ignorant and stereotypical. Thanks.

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the answer to the money worries is simple instead of destroying there liver in the student union why dont they do what the money they get is for and use it for studies and general living I dont think takeaways and alcohol classes as general living expenses students make life worse for themself in most cases yes i know this is just a minority but why should the working people of today graft there guts out to pay for some student who just wants to get drunk on the side while pretending to the parents that he/she is gods gift to society when in reality there not there just people wasting years of there lives which 90% of time gets you nowhere employers dont want qualifications they want expierence and these poor little students have none so where are they going to be after there amazing drunken blast in university?? back to square 1 after wasting some of there lives which if you ask me seems a waste of time however im synical to all courses and all types of youth training.

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1. You seem to think students are abundant with money. I'd like to know where this has come from?


2. I go to the pub rarely because of lack of money. I eat fresh food - not takeaway etc.


3. Have you ever though students get degrees because they enjoy learning etc. Not just for jobs?


4. A long christmas holiday? Yeh I suppose you're right I get 2 weeks off. Problem is, in that time I've got 4 essays to write composing of 11000 words, to afford living costs for next year I have to work full time too. Sounds great.


Just because you see a few students in the pub over lunchtime out of the many thousands that attend uni doesn't mean everyone goes there. I'd love to.


This was meant as a bit of a joke thread, but it's nice to see the bad and unjust opinions people have on students.

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Where this has come from? simple from the pub where I regulary see students too intoxicated to know there own names.


The post wasnt about you it was about students in general and as I said its a minority. ie your not 1 of that minority.


I enjoy having a couple of beers and watching a nice movie with my girl friend however this isnt going to make me excel career wise is it. If you live in the real world you will understand its not about enjoying life its about making it work for you which in most cases means a job.


You see a few students in pub at dinner time :huh: My mate used to work for the 24 hour spar on eccleshall road and regulary had students coming upto him asking if he could get drugs etc so yes this proves how badly dun to they are if they can afford drugs surely they can afford to live.


Excuse me for being abit thick If im wrong but if you work full time when exactly are you studying?? your dinner break? at night? weekend??

1. You seem to think students are abundant with money. I'd like to know where this has come from?


2. I go to the pub rarely because of lack of money. I eat fresh food - not takeaway etc.


3. Have you ever though students get degrees because they enjoy learning etc. Not just for jobs?


4. A long christmas holiday? Yeh I suppose you're right I get 2 weeks off. Problem is, in that time I've got 4 essays to write composing of 11000 words, to afford living costs for next year I have to work full time too. Sounds great.


Just because you see a few students in the pub over lunchtime out of the many thousands that attend uni doesn't mean everyone goes there. I'd love to.


This was meant as a bit of a joke thread, but it's nice to see the bad and unjust opinions people have on students.

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