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The Sheaf pub on Fraser Rd S8


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heard this place is closing down????????


just found out the current person whos running it is leaving?


hopefully now it wont be as loud and the chanters might go too?


may go in and try the place when the new people arrive?

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I lived on Fraser road for 18 months and in all that time I went into the Sheaf just once. My housemate and I used to walk up the The Abbey instead.


I just didn't like it. Can't really put my finger on why that was. Just something about the place that made me feel like I didn't want to spend time in it. Could have been the decor, could have been the punters and the general atmosphere - can't really say. I don't remember the staff being rude or anything like that.


My overall impression of it was 'typical estate pub' and therefore not somewhere I wanted to frequent. If that makes me a snob then so be it.

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I used to go in the sheaf a lot when I was younger, like any pub its had its ups and downs. Its a pub that should do well in theory located on a large estate etc but some reason never really made it in to a 'must-go' place. I enjoyed the pub when Kev and Tels had it and since they left it started to go down hill, I expected it to fall by the wayside and go the way of so many local pubs and close down. That was until the present landlord Craig arrived, here was someone passionate about the pub and knew what people wanted. Ive never seen the Sheaf as busy at times as I have since Craig took over. Excellent regular weekly offers, pleseant customers and the trash sent to drink in the big tree. One of the only pubs ive visited where community spirit seems to be still around, a pub where everyone knows your name, cheers-esque. Unhappy that Craig's tenure as landlord is coming to an end after doing such a good job of pulling it out of the ****. I wish him all the best and sucess that he deserves

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I used to go in the sheaf a lot when I was younger, like any pub its had its ups and downs. Its a pub that should do well in theory located on a large estate etc but some reason never really made it in to a 'must-go' place. I enjoyed the pub when Kev and Tels had it and since they left it started to go down hill, I expected it to fall by the wayside and go the way of so many local pubs and close down. That was until the present landlord Craig arrived, here was someone passionate about the pub and knew what people wanted. Ive never seen the Sheaf as busy at times as I have since Craig took over. Excellent regular weekly offers, pleseant customers and the trash sent to drink in the big tree. One of the only pubs ive visited where community spirit seems to be still around, a pub where everyone knows your name, cheers-esque. Unhappy that Craig's tenure as landlord is coming to an end after doing such a good job of pulling it out of the ****. I wish him all the best and sucess that he deserves


kev n tells were good and it was a fun night on most occasions, dont think this craig guy could really be passionate and give people what they want as a mate of mine goes in and he says there is never any beer no snacks behind the bar, people often go in and never get the drink they want, then word gets round so new people never go in. hopefully the new people will try harder and get more customers in as the pub trade is dying

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