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It's a car-tastrophe

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Well, it is for the gits who broke into my car last night.


That 'interesting pill' they had a good look at was paracetamol.


My music taste was clearly not up to scratch, though they had a good look at the Saw Doctors tape ?!


My sunglasses were too scratched to see through, though it would be hard to tell at night.


If they want to use the front of the radio they're going to have to find the back of another Punto one and crack the code


The multitool they nicked cost about £2 and will break when they try to use it on someone elses car


I don't envy them the hassle of going through the massive mess that is the inside of my car in order to try and find anything interesting (because there was nothing interesting, so HA!)


Problem is it sends my premiums up again. Gits.

Plus it always makes me laugh that my car spends most of it's life in Norfolk Park and Arbourthorne where despite my fiercest wishes it never gets nicked or even touched. Yet in Meersbrook they just keep going after it.


Thank you. I feel better now.:?

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Fourth time in four years. I'm used to it now.


Mark reckons I should be a community worker in my own area...he thinks it doesn't get harmed where I work cos I'm known. I'm a little bit more cynical than that, tho.:?


Still, I had a giggle this morning when an Arbourthorne resident was trying to convince me that she'd heard that Meersbrook was 'right rough' :lol::o:lol:

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Yeah, fully agree its about time they shoved heavy prison sentences on those who are caught.

I had my car knicked in 1996 and they burnt it out less than half a mile away in Longley park.

The police were 3 weeks before they let me know it had been found were it had been in storege at a scrap yard in Stairfoot,Barnsley and run up a bill for £80 a day.

Year prior to that in 1995 I had my Yamaha motorbike knicked and the culprits were caught riding it in Roe Woods, comletely recked of course and police said though they were riding it they could'nt proove they knicked it, hense they got away with it.

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See, naughty as it is I wouldn't have minded them nicking it and burning it out. But they never even try. I want a 'new' car anyway, which is why I'm bothering to get it sorted at all. Otherwise i'd just leave it as is.


Sounds like you've had a few nightmares, Cycleracer. Some kids were out on Arbourthorne this morning playing with a motorbike they'd prob'ly nicked off someone. I had to stop myself going up to them and saying 'see that Punto...it'd make a lovely car bbq...why don't you find out':lol:

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