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Stand up or Sit down?


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On Saturday evening 6 friends and myself excitedly trooped off to the Arena for the Steel City tour - Heaven 17, ABC and The Fab Human League. We was sat on the 2nd elevation on the front row (with the barriers in front of us). Average aged about 40.


On came Heaven 17 - a trip down memory lane for all of us, then ABC (where was the gold suit???) we stood up to dance for the fast songs (so did most of the arena) n sat down for the slower n newer songs, the row behind was empty at this point.


After a brief interlude on came the League, we was up bopping away, really enojying the music and atmosphere reliving our youth, when the guy behind us grabbed the back of my friends coat (he nearly pulled him in to the seat) and told my friend to sit down has he could not see the stage, my friend replied that he wanted to dance n enjoy himself to which the guy replied' ive paid for my tickets and I cannot see because you are standing up' (fair comment) - however looking round the arena, there must have been a handful of people sat down, which my friend pointed out, a heated discussion took place resulting in my friend and his partner stomping off as this guys manner became more demanding.


My friends stood at the top of the steps and was quickly told by security to return to their seats, which they did. The guy again demanded my friends sat down, to which one of them told him to go home, crack a can and put on a Human League DVD!


OKAY I see both sides of the arguement, but as the end of the day we too had paid for our tickets and therefore if we want to dance we will. Whats the point of attending a pop/disco (electronic) gig if you are going to sit - go see the philly thats my blunt opinion. Baring in mind when the League played the City Hall last December there wasnt one person in the entire venue sat down.


This stroppy man nearly spoiled a fantastic night out, I know for one thing we certainly spoiled his because his bullyboy tactics had no effect on my friends.


Roll on the next League gig.


what do you think

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We had the same situation when me and our lass went to see Muse at the Arena. Before the start of the concert, the couple infront of us politely informed us that they'd probably want to be standing once the amazing tracks come on and asked if we're cool with that? We politely replied that, yeah that's fine and we'll probably be doing the same. After a bit more chat about favourite songs etc, it occured to me that I might wanna do the same and advise those behind us of our intensions. I decided against this as the two grumpy old beardy types sat behind us, talking about the benefits of alternating current over direct current, I figured the least ammount of engagement with them, the better.


As the performance started really rocking, Plug in baby came on and the majority of the audience immediatley stood and started jigging and singing. Those infront had stood and as we did the same, the miserable beardy shouted at us "SIT DOWN".


Without even a thought, I immediately replied "MAKE ME!".


"And while your at it, make those infront of me, and those stood infront of them!"


Didn't hear a word from them after that and I didn't even look back at them to see if they had stood or not as I couldn't care less. I was with my girlfriend, sourrounded by mostly hardcore Muse fans, with Matt, Dominic and Chris a few yards away giving us the performance of a lifetime.

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Without even a thought, I immediately replied "MAKE ME!".


"And while your at it, make those infront of me, and those stood infront of them!"


Ha! Good on yer. Can't imagine NOT feeling like bounding around to a song like that! The Arena is an apalling venue anyway. Really difficult to get a full on rock n roll vibe there.

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if you lot want to dance and clap/girate why dont you do it at a disco or wherever? or the boardwalk if everybody sat down there is no problem its the same level of intelegance at a football match.


Are you the beardy wierdy that tried tellin' me to sit?


The problem with your solution me old fruit, is the artists we all love and wanna see are too big to play small venues.


If you love a band / song, then it's inside you and once you hear it played live, while surrounded by other peoples on the same level, then the music and atmosphere takes you and before you know whats happened, yer on yer plates and giggling like a court jester.

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if you lot want to dance and clap/girate why dont you do it at a disco or wherever? or the boardwalk if everybody sat down there is no problem its the same level of intelegance at a football match.


Because some events lend themselves perfectly well to dancing / prancing / moshing / scissor kicking / gyrating / etc etc! A Muse gig, or a Human League gig most certainly do! I've seen the League thrice now, and each time I've done some camp dancing! I saw Warrior Soul at the weekend, and was proper throwing myself around like a reight 'un! Me and me mate were doing it and we was also drinking beer and it was really good fun.


Same for football matches - the excitement grips ya dude! It was way better when it was all standing. I remember the atmosphere at Oakwell as 32,000 + crammed in to see us play Everton in FA Cup Round 5. What an atmosphere!



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