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Stand up or Sit down?


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Havent got a beard, but i have seen some of the big groups and sat through .


That's fine and I don't mind you being sat, but don't expect me to do the same. It's a free country and I've paid the same as you and that doesn't mean you have the right to dictate what I do.


I don't understand these types. If your not having as much fun as everyone else, that's fine if you just that fact. If you try to bring us down to your less enthusiastic level then yer gonna have a job on.


A mate of mine went to a concert with his missus and he was having a rockin' time. She wasn't as fussed and she asked him if he could calm down abit.

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I just can't sit down at a gig, the urge to dance around is just to great :hihi: seats are there to sit until the band comes on, then it's only polite to stand.

Imagine trotting on stage only to be greated by the entire Sheffield arena sat, arms folded legs crossed in an orderly manner?!

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Absolutely fine if you want to sit through a gig Philo. My issue is with people who want the more active members of the audience to calm down. As Stereophonic says, it's a rock gig. A ROCK GIG! ROCK N ROLL YEAH!!! I've been to gigs by bands I've not been absolutely crazy about, and have stood in a more appropriate place where I've seen the band, but not been in the thick of it. When seeing a band I'm well into, I've bounded around and danced and scissored etc.

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I am going to see Stereophonics on Friday and have paid for a seat and i'm hoping I'll be able to sit in for the whole gig. I'm young but have 2 slipped discs which makes it painful for me to stand for long periods. All you moaning about people wanting to sit, what's wrong with that?

Just because a song has a beat to it doesn't mean you have to jump around, just enjoy the song. And if you want to stand, why on earth do you buy 'seated' tickets???

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Soundwave, that's absolutely fine to sit, but it is perfectly fine to jump around too. Unfortunately venues such as the Arena are rubbish. Sometimes seated tickets are the only ones left, so have to be snapped up. Ha! My Morrissey ticket at City Hall a couple of years ago was seated, but no way did I sit! I shuttle danced round and round! It was amazing!


Anyway, the moaning is not about people who want to sit, but about those people who criticise the dancers and moshers etc.



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