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Stand up or Sit down?


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Can't the 3 or 4 miserable so-and-sos who actually want to sit just be given seats in the enclosure with the guys in the wheelchairs.


As someone more eloquent than me puts it: "Sitting down is something you do with your parents. Or when you're old and infirm. You don't do it at gigs. Somehow, standing shoulder to shoulder watching a band, the crowd turns into one big, somtimes writhing, mass. It represents the whole gang, come to see the group. And that's what's really missing when sitting at gigs. Standing up, battling to keep your feet on the ground, craning your neck for a better view, it's somehow easier to lose yourself in the whole gig experience. Sitting down, you are alone or part of a smaller picture. I'd rather feel part of a crowd, which shouts as one for an encore, than be in a audience which is full of lone voices."

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Concerts are to enjoy yourself at, get up and get dancing! wooohooo!!!


All those mardy crags that want to sit on their bums and be miserable should sit behind one of the barriers, that way they don`t have anyone infront of em, mardy bums!!!:D

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Can't the 3 or 4 miserable so-and-sos who actually want to sit just be given seats in the enclosure with the guys in the wheelchairs.


As someone more eloquent than me puts it: "Sitting down is something you do with your parents. Or when you're old and infirm. You don't do it at gigs. Somehow, standing shoulder to shoulder watching a band, the crowd turns into one big, somtimes writhing, mass. It represents the whole gang, come to see the group. And that's what's really missing when sitting at gigs. Standing up, battling to keep your feet on the ground, craning your neck for a better view, it's somehow easier to lose yourself in the whole gig experience. Sitting down, you are alone or part of a smaller picture. I'd rather feel part of a crowd, which shouts as one for an encore, than be in a audience which is full of lone voices."


Why am I miserable because I have back problems and require a seat????

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Concerts are to enjoy yourself at, get up and get dancing! wooohooo!!!


All those mardy crags that want to sit on their bums and be miserable should sit behind one of the barriers, that way they don`t have anyone infront of em, mardy bums!!!:D


If we were as, you so maturely put it "mardy bums" why we we even think of going to such an event?? Wouldn't we much rather sit at home moaning??? I'm sure the seats are there to be seated in as required. Like I said earlier each person has different tastes. Some stand, some sit but I would never tell someone to sit if they stood in front of me.


No need to be rude. :confused:

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Hi Soundwave, yes the seats in the arena on teh concourse level are for wheel chairs but they are also for anyone with a disability or injury who coudl have problems else where. I was once offered the opportunity to sit in them becasue I had a shattered elbow (arm was in a sling) the lady on the ticket desk offered it to me as an option in case a knock woudl have caused some pain so I would say you have a definete right to be there.

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If we were as, you so maturely put it "mardy bums" why we we even think of going to such an event?? Wouldn't we much rather sit at home moaning??? I'm sure the seats are there to be seated in as required. Like I said earlier each person has different tastes. Some stand, some sit but I would never tell someone to sit if they stood in front of me.


No need to be rude. :confused:


I am not being rude.:hihi:

I just think if you go to a gig you should expect that people are gonna get up and want to dance/jig/headbang etc.

If you have back problems and need to remain seated then perhaps you should get tickets in the disblaed bit(we did when we took my OH`s aunt to Rod Stewart) or sit directly behind one of the barriers(that way theres no one in front of you for you to mump about.:thumbsup:

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