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Stand up or Sit down?


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I'm going to a concert next year which, given the type of songs, will be mainly sit down, but there's a few danceable ones, and I can assure you I will be up and dancing like a loon for those. :D I want to make the most of it, as for me this is almost like a once in a lifetime opportunity to see an artist I adore. I'm not going to sit down and twiddle my thumbs when I want to bop to some fast tracks.

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You were completely in the right. This ain't no matinee - it's ROCK N ROLL!!! (well, classic synthpop, but anyway...)


Yeah, that goon needs to lighten up and start bustin' some moves! I could teach him a scissor kick or two



exactly, this guy needs to the meaning of FUN. if you ask me, he should have gone home! maybe a gig isnt the place for him

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Ok, I might take some stick for what I say here (mainly who I've been to see) but I'm prepared to risk it!!


In September 1998 I saw Spice Girls at Don Valley (I was 15!!!)... I was 20 or 30 rows back on the "floor" and the stewards kept telling everyone to sit down. I wasn't very tall (and still not!) and could barely see as it was, then the person in front of me stood up (as had everyone in front of them), so I stood up too... Then of course the person behind me complained that her 10yr old (or whatever) couldn't see and she's paid all this money for them to see their idols - to which I replied "I can't see neither 'cos there's 20/30 people stood up in front of me and I've paid exactly the same as you have so have as much right as your chidlren have to see". Then, still as the stewards were battling to keep everyone sat down (who wanted to dance), Mel B shouts "come on Sheffield - lets see you stood up dancing!!!" - Don Valley erupts & everyone stands up, including the people behind me.


Last week I went to see Jason Donovan at Sheffield City Hall, I was on 8th row bang in centre. At the start he was singing some of the slow stuff, nobody stood up really, just the odd couple. Then he started doing some of his 80/90s stuff and everyone wanted to dance. A few people in front of us stood up along with everyone else, which is absolutely fine by me, but someone at the side of me tugged on the coat of the person and snapped "SIT DOWN"! Then later on, someone else was quietly talking to her friend during one of the songs, and someone in front of me really nastily went "SSSHHHHHHH"!!


I have no objection to anyone standing up during a concert - it's live music - you don't sit down in a nightclub do you? I listen to music to enjoy it, and have a dance. If I want to sit down, I'll sit down, but generally I stand - just so I can get a better view 'cos I'm a short-bum!! If you want to sit down, fine, but don't ruin someone else's evening who wants to have a good time by standing up and dancing by making them sit down too.


It's alright saying "why buy tickets for the seated area", but for the majority of "concerts" (eg. Arena/City Hall) there isn't the option of standing/sitting. Rock gigs maybe, but not at the majority of gigs/concerts!

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The idea of going to 'see' a band is actually quite new (well late 60s perhaps). People used to go to 'listen' to or even to 'dance' to a band.


If I was in a band and anyone aside from the old and infirm was sitting then I'd know I'd lost it and that it would time to call it a day.


This sitting thing is a bit like armchair football fans complaining that when they actually go to a game that it's cold, the toilets are disgusting and the pies aren't made from Waitrose organic meat.

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Ok, I might take some stick for what I say here (mainly who I've been to see) but I'm prepared to risk it!!


In September 1998 I saw Spice Girls at Don Valley (I was 15!!!)... I was 20 or 30 rows back on the "floor" and the stewards kept telling everyone to sit down. I wasn't very tall (and still not!) and could barely see as it was, then the person in front of me stood up (as had everyone in front of them), so I stood up too... Then of course the person behind me complained that her 10yr old (or whatever) couldn't see and she's paid all this money for them to see their idols - to which I replied "I can't see neither 'cos there's 20/30 people stood up in front of me and I've paid exactly the same as you have so have as much right as your chidlren have to see". Then, still as the stewards were battling to keep everyone sat down (who wanted to dance), Mel B shouts "come on Sheffield - lets see you stood up dancing!!!" - Don Valley erupts & everyone stands up, including the people behind me.


Last week I went to see Jason Donovan at Sheffield City Hall, I was on 8th row bang in centre. At the start he was singing some of the slow stuff, nobody stood up really, just the odd couple. Then he started doing some of his 80/90s stuff and everyone wanted to dance. A few people in front of us stood up along with everyone else, which is absolutely fine by me, but someone at the side of me tugged on the coat of the person and snapped "SIT DOWN"! Then later on, someone else was quietly talking to her friend during one of the songs, and someone in front of me really nastily went "SSSHHHHHHH"!!


I have no objection to anyone standing up during a concert - it's live music - you don't sit down in a nightclub do you? I listen to music to enjoy it, and have a dance. If I want to sit down, I'll sit down, but generally I stand - just so I can get a better view 'cos I'm a short-bum!! If you want to sit down, fine, but don't ruin someone else's evening who wants to have a good time by standing up and dancing by making them sit down too.


It's alright saying "why buy tickets for the seated area", but for the majority of "concerts" (eg. Arena/City Hall) there isn't the option of standing/sitting. Rock gigs maybe, but not at the majority of gigs/concerts!


Actually Arena and City Hall are the only two seated venues in the city, and generally, aside from the odd Muse, only pop acts and old bands tend to play them anyway. There are a good 20 other venues, where there's an awful lot better bands playing, that are all fully standing.

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