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Stand up or Sit down?


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If everyone who has a back problem asks to sit in the disabled area it would need to be made a lot bigger! I have a problem with my back when I stand for too long (I'm only 25), and I must admit I tend to go for seats now as the floor just gets too crammed. I still love to stand though, and I use my seat to perch on (folded up) when I need a rest or a slow song comes on. Having said that, we went to Kings of Leon the other week and I was shocked so many people were sat down around us. We ended up checking with the people behind if it was ok to stand, to which it was, but we did get a moan from one guy who said he couldn't see 'cause he was only small. There's never going to be an easy answer, other than what someone has already suggested in having the seats divided into "seats but you can stand", and "seats but please do not stand, not even to go to the toilet, you must crawl on your hands and knees"

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I love standing up & dancing at concerts. Unfortunately the standing room tickets are often all gone so you have to get a ticket in the seated bit.


But I'd point out that the chairs fold away - so you can stand up!!! If you have an issue with people dancing & you want to sit down then try & get a seat at the front of a block on the tiered sections - that way no one would be in front of you to block your view.



So, let me see if I've got this right. I like to sit at gigs, you like to stand. I'm well organised and get a ticket in the seated bit. You are not so organised and miss out on standing tickets. Yet you still think it is ok to impose your preferences on me by standing in front of me... I think you need to be more considerate.

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So, let me see if I've got this right. I like to sit at gigs, you like to stand. I'm well organised and get a ticket in the seated bit. You are not so organised and miss out on standing tickets. Yet you still think it is ok to impose your preferences on me by standing in front of me... I think you need to be more considerate.


No - it's all seated - there's no option to choose to be in a standing only bit.


The seats are there because it is mostly tiered, i.e. to keep people in their rows and stop it becoming an old fashion football terrace (and because they'd be too expensive to take out for gigs). Every gig I've been to at the arena 99.8% of people have been standing throughout - it's the accepted arrangement.

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I have no objection to anyone standing up during a concert - it's live music - you don't sit down in a nightclub do you?


It's different at a night club. The music is just coming out of the speakers, there's nothing to watch.


You get to hear your favourite bands on the radio or at a club, but it's a rare opportunity to see them live and it's good to actually sit and watch them play the music live.

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Im with the sit down brigade, it really ****** me off when people dance right in front of me, so sit down and let those who want to watch the show do so, if you want to dance go and dance at a dance!


Anyway i dont go to these concerts anymore, simply because i never get to see who i pay to see.

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Im with the sit down brigade, it really ****** me off when people dance right in front of me, so sit down and let those who want to watch the show do so, if you want to dance go and dance at a dance!


Anyway i dont go to these concerts anymore, simply because i never get to see who i pay to see.


But the majority of venues do not have seats. Really, I don't see how people can refrain from doing scissor kicks when watching ace punk rock music!

And it doesn't have to be punk rock. No! When I saw Kraftwerk a few years ago, people were proper dancing like real wicked dudes! It was mega mega.


What do the seating fans do if they wanna see a gig at Plug? Or Leadmill?

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But the majority of venues do not have seats. Really, I don't see how people can refrain from doing scissor kicks when watching ace punk rock music!

And it doesn't have to be punk rock. No! When I saw Kraftwerk a few years ago, people were proper dancing like real wicked dudes! It was mega mega.


What do the seating fans do if they wanna see a gig at Plug? Or Leadmill?[/QUOTE]


how funny would that be? I could just see it now, cross legged on the floor! ha ha

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On Saturday evening 6 friends and myself excitedly trooped off to the Arena for the Steel City tour - Heaven 17, ABC and The Fab Human League. We was sat on the 2nd elevation on the front row (with the barriers in front of us). Average aged about 40.


On came Heaven 17 - a trip down memory lane for all of us, then ABC (where was the gold suit???) we stood up to dance for the fast songs (so did most of the arena) n sat down for the slower n newer songs, the row behind was empty at this point.


After a brief interlude on came the League, we was up bopping away, really enojying the music and atmosphere reliving our youth, when the guy behind us grabbed the back of my friends coat (he nearly pulled him in to the seat) and told my friend to sit down has he could not see the stage, my friend replied that he wanted to dance n enjoy himself to which the guy replied' ive paid for my tickets and I cannot see because you are standing up' (fair comment) - however looking round the arena, there must have been a handful of people sat down, which my friend pointed out, a heated discussion took place resulting in my friend and his partner stomping off as this guys manner became more demanding.


My friends stood at the top of the steps and was quickly told by security to return to their seats, which they did. The guy again demanded my friends sat down, to which one of them told him to go home, crack a can and put on a Human League DVD!


OKAY I see both sides of the arguement, but as the end of the day we too had paid for our tickets and therefore if we want to dance we will. Whats the point of attending a pop/disco (electronic) gig if you are going to sit - go see the philly thats my blunt opinion. Baring in mind when the League played the City Hall last December there wasnt one person in the entire venue sat down.


This stroppy man nearly spoiled a fantastic night out, I know for one thing we certainly spoiled his because his bullyboy tactics had no effect on my friends.


Roll on the next League gig.


what do you think


lol if he had done that to me i would have Done some Bruce Lee moves on him:D at the end of the day your at a concert of course you want to dance you can hardly dance sitting down can you:rolleyes: music concerts are for standing not sitting down your there to enjoy yourself.:)

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