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Anyone Know The Origins Of The Name Page Hall

peter herrin

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"Oakbrook" at Ranmoor was the home of Mark Firth,

He made a present to the city 35 acres of land which were part of the Page Hall Estate and this is now known as Firth Park.




The Firths also lived at Tapton Cliffe, which was a nursing home in the mid eighties; one of the places where I worked. (It became the local centre for Guide Dogs For The Blind about 15 years ago.)


The Firths also owned the Georgian house at 85 Wilkinson Street, at one point. This building was acquired by Sheffield University, and was used as the Department Of Adult And Continuing Education.

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"Oakbrook" at Ranmoor was the home of Mark Firth,

He made a present to the city 35 acres of land which were part of the Page Hall Estate and this is now known as Firth Park.





If you scroll down towards the end of this intesting site to the heading, 'Hind Common and Brushes Wood' it tells more about Firth Park , Mark Firth and the places he lived.

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Page Hall was the home of Mark Firth the steelmaker and is a few hundred yards to the north of Bolsover Road. There is a Page Hall still there, an apartment block but I don't know if it's the original house.


The picture you link there is of the building that's currently there, as you say it's now apartments. It's behind the odd-numbered semis on Firth Park Road, just past where Bolsover Road branches off. When I was a kid we used to go up to Page Hall (then empty and boarded up) and play on the croquet lawn, which was still there, mallets, hoops and all. You could get onto the grounds through our back garden.

Going up Bolsover Road, a short way up on the right is a newish building which I think is a home for the elderly or something - when I was little this was the stables for Page Hall. They were demolished and replaced with the current building.

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