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A Killing Tale [title has to be longer...]


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Nice one Sauerkraut.

I’m with Ron here, when he says “my admiration for you continues to rise” and maybe even a little jealous of your writing skill, it just seems to flow and you fall into the story, the only fault I can find with this little tale is it’s a bit short and could probably do with a few more pages, let’s say about 50 or 60 more.:hihi:

I will now have a look at these round robins of yours and Hopmans.

Anyway; great stuff :thumbsup:, have a nice Christmas and enjoy your holiday, if I’m not mistaken your visiting the Motherland, if so wrap-up well, its chuffin cold, well! Probably not as cold as the Vaterland.

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I've never been one to notice during much during the reading I've done over the years, sauerkraut, but your short story epitomises the differences between a male author and a female one.


The conversational interaction between both women in this piece illustrate the differences between male-to-male and female-to-female conversations wonderfully!


You are a "star in the making"! :thumbsup:


Happy Christmas .... enjoy your holiday. :)

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Gosh. You are all too kind to me. Thank you :blush: I must admit I'm quite fond of that story. It was fun to write.


Anyways, must finish my packing now. Yes, it's back to Blighty for Christmas this year for the first time in many years, so we can actually celebrate on the proper day without everyone thinking we're weird not opening presents on the 24th :)


Happy Christmas to one and all, and looking forward to reading all those contributions which will appear while I'm away :)

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  • 2 months later...

Hi again, SK. I thought this was worth another read as I only had time to skim through it before christmas. I agree with Coyleys observation that your story really flows nicely. It was a real pleasure to read.


I'm also impressed how it contains some wickedness but you manage to keep it light and upbeat. I've noticed this in several of your stories. They touch on sadness but never descend into darkness. How do you do that?


Your stories are all well written and fun to read. It makes it very hard to make constructive comments on how to improve them. In this story my only slight criticism was that the ending wasn't quite right. Motorised wheelchair on the motorway? I think she should have driven it down a large man-hole instead. But that's just my personal preference!

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