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Is Sheffield Forum representative of Sheffield?

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Bigots and racists, and Daily Mail readers (same difference either way IMO) seriously need to shut up I reckon, no one with more than 2 thirds of a brain cares.


I also read the DM along with a number of other papers. I also have more than 2/3 of a brain.


Sweeping generalisations are what has made you an intolerant laughing stock on this forum. :loopy:

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I would say the negative attitudes of Sheffield folk in general is widely displayed on this Forum.


It's quite depressing really.


That said, and quite contradictory to the above, a strong sense of compassion and pride for their city is also displayed here.


If Sheffielders had a little more motivation, they could help make this city a world class place to live and work.

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Thanks for the replies. I'll hold off on suicide for the moment.


To holymoses, I would respectfully suggest that there's 'different views on the topic', and then there's this kind of thing:


"Its cus of idiots like you that this country is in the state it is, if your that concerned why not **** off over there and help out ?


As for mugabe we could learn a few things from him and get things back on an even keel over here"

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I would say the negative attitudes of Sheffield folk in general is widely displayed on this Forum.


It's quite depressing really.


That said, and quite contradictory to the above, a strong sense of compassion and pride for their city is also displayed here.


If Sheffielders had a little more motivation, they could help make this city a world class place to live and work.


The negative attitudes of FOLK in general - this is not isolated to Sheffield i can assure you.

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I think as already mentioned, the Anonymity the Internet allows can make some people state things they would never dare in 'real life' - wether this means they are their true beliefs, or just being dramatic, who can say.


Over the last few days some of the threads on here have surprised me even more than usual, with the amount of intense paranoia, envy and bitterness that alot of people have shown.


The level of intelligence shown can also be quite fascinating, considering some of these members may hold quite responsible positions in todays society. Many seem unable to hold a balanced debate whilst showing the smallest amount of respect to each other.

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I love living in Sheffield, so can somebody please convince me that this is just a highly vocal minority of embittered whack-jobs and that I don't have to move or kill myself?


don't worry hun, most people in sheffield are not like that.


some people make outrageous statements on here......just to wind people up...and will fully admit to it...


so the next time you read something that sounds unbelievable....read with a pinch of salt :)


and sheffield rocks dude! :D

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