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Is Sheffield Forum representative of Sheffield?

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Who the hell do you think you are spewing bile that? I read the DM and you comparing that to racism and bigotry is nothing short of ridiculous.


So you shut up, get your coat, and do one....permanently


Its obvious you are relatively new to the forum if you haven’t crossed Rich before, apparently we are supposed to just put up with is continued bile.

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I personally feel that it's perfectly natural for human beings to want to protect their way of life. A life they have usually worked very hard to attain. This desire to protect their socio economic position and the status quo generally can sometimes mean that certain views come over as being, at the best intolerant and at the worst, downright racist.

So, on the whole I do feel that most people do have a limited tolerant level that very quickly runs out when it appears that somebody, irrespective of their colour or race, appears to be getting a free ride. This is obviously accentuated when the people concerned weren't born here and come from a country where there doesn't seem to be a culture of civilised behaviour reinforced by an ethos making a living through hard work.

To those people who seem to be shocked at the intolerant attitudes of some people I would say that you need to expand your social circle to get a better idea of what people really think in the big wide world as opposed to the cliquey circle that you're probably a member of.

Don't forget the saying; 'birds of a feather flock together', and that applies whether you're a left wing liberal or a right wing white supremasist.


Very well said!:thumbsup:

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