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Cost Of Electricity


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I've just got my electricity bill today and unbelievebly, its gone up by 25%. I used to pay £65 per month, and Npower have upped it to £85 per month. I just can't belive that Npower 's costs have gone up by the same proportion. It feels like I'm been ripped off but can't do owt about it. I changed supplier in he past, and look where I've ended up.

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we were payin a monthly direct debit of £30 upto earlier this year, we then received a

bill for over £400..i quieried this, to be told that we hadnt been payin enough and that

we were using on average approx £80 per month. i said i couldnt afford to pay the bill

in one go, i was offered no alternative so i asked for a pre-pay meter. i now find that

they have downloaded the debt to my meter twice, which i have been trying to sort

out since begininning of november, to no avail..once its paid i am contemplating

changing suppliers..its disgusting what they are charging.

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I have an idea, free electric for all who contribute, everyone who pays taxes gets a jobseeker and a large hamster wheel, they then in turn pay you back for the scrounging by running in the wheel creating electric. This solves 2 problems in one, you get some free elecy and the jobless want to work??


I almost forgot that this would also be good for our carbon footprint


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As mentioned above. Take some meter readings and give them a call.


I got a letter earlier this year satying they were going to increase my monthly payment from £38 to £95. Once I had finished choking, I called them, gave them the proper readings and it was kept at £38.


The guy on the phone said it was all done by computers so was prone to making big assumptions.


Give them a call.

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