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Cost Of Electricity


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It was on the news recently regarding people paying by Direct Debit.


The companies have made huge assumptions regarding the price rises and how much consumption people are going to use, and budgeted your DD accordingly.


I can't remember if they said what they had done was illegal or not, but they did say that out of every case of people ringing up and sorting it out, they had got it reduced way back down.

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I'm intrigued by the amounts people are saying they pay for their electric, i've just had my quarterly bill and its £85.


Do you leave stuff on all over the house or something?


There is someone in at my house more or less all the time, so there is usually a TV or PC on at least all day.


Where do you think your spending the money?

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3 of us in my office have had the same thing. We where so in credit last quarter they sent us a cheque. This quarter we are in credit but they put up the DD by £20. It would seem this is a strategy Npower are applying to every one. After all it suits them to have loads of our cash sitting in their accounts.


I phoned them, gave them a meter reading and said put it back down, which they did. Remember that at the end of the day YOU decide the DD amount not them. Legaly the amount is up to you.


Saying that you need to make sure i covers your bills to avoid huge arrears.

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I've just got my electricity bill today and unbelievebly, its gone up by 25%. I used to pay £65 per month, and Npower have upped it to £85 per month. I just can't belive that Npower 's costs have gone up by the same proportion. It feels like I'm been ripped off but can't do owt about it. I changed supplier in he past, and look where I've ended up.


Do you live in a mansion? Seriously that's obscene, I'd definitely read the meter and check the records, we pay 1/3 of that a month on NPower. Yes we're careful - always turning lights off when we're not in the room etc, but not that careful! Is your cooker leccy or gas? What about heating? Do you use leccy storage heaters?

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The easiest way is to cancel direct debits and get a 3 monthly bill sent, that way you will only pay for what you have used. Ok you will pay a tiny bit more for not having direct debit and you will have to put some money away each month to cover it but at least you will stop them cocking it up

It always pays to take meter readings, I do mine weekly and xcell them into a spreadsheet, that way I know what Ive used

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