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Cost Of Electricity


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I have pre pay meters for gas and electric thru british gas, and on average the leccy meter eats £40 a week n the gas guzzles £30 a week!:rant:

Those pre-pay meters are a disgrace and a total rip-off. Insist that your power company swap them for post-pay meters if you can!


Gas and electricity should be cheaper for unit for those who buy less - not more expensive!

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£85 That's nothing to what I just got!!!


I moved into a studio on my own


First month electric bill: £130.00


Was so careful all month turning all little switches off when not in use..didn't have a laptop to leave on all day.


But after the month realised what it might have been! When I moved into the property, the thermostat on the boiler was broke.. Therefore for at least 6 weeks, the boiler was constantly on (no timer) at 180c


So basically I feel like i've been stiched up.. im only young and knew nothing about boilers, timer and temperatures.


By the way i'm assuming that it was the boiler that caused such a high bill??????


Also storage heater (only 1) was on but don't think that would give £130.00


It a tiny studio


God knows what i'm gonna do NPower always threatening..they want 40% of the money in the next few days


Considered just living in a house with no electric..that's how bad/skint its made me :(

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A storage heater on constant will cost you over £100 per month. Your average electiic monthly bill for a studio flat without things on contstant will be between £20 and £40.


Currently electricity is working out at about 8-9p per unit


Take weekly readings its the only way.


For a 4 dial gas meter prices are currently running at approx £1.20 per unit im not sure for a 5 dial meter.

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We live in a 2 bedroom flat with two storage heaters, so long as you're on an economy 7 tarrif and have the heater timers to come on at night they're pretty economical. We pay about £40 per month for electric in summer and £65 in winter (no gas). If you've got very high bills it could be that the timer on the electricity meter itself is set wrong, so you think you're using economy 7 by setting the heaters to heat up at night but the meter is charging you day rate - someone told me this is quite common in flats

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Over 100 a month!! What! I thought they were supposed to be relatively economical!


There are basically big kettles that heat up bricks.


Slap a few pebbles in the kettle and see how long it takes to heat them and how much it costs.


I think you have to ask the power company to put you on economy 7 scheme for storage heaters, else they put you on the normal tariff and you end up paying a fortune.

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Thanks guys so much help here really appreciate this!!


Well how do I know if my timer works or not??


All I know is it seems to be colder at around 10pm


Seems to be quite hot at like 3/4am


It's quite an old heater by the looks of it.


By the way even when its hot its doesn't even spread around the room. Im on maximum storage overnight at the moment and turn the other one when I need it and down when I go out. (Sos get mixed up between output and input)


Was considering just turning it off and buying a small heater to sit right next to us in bed!


By the way I definitely am on economy 7.


Sorry original poster for hijacking your thread but I thought it was applicable as I also have high elec bill!

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apparently not I have got two of them and was advised by the electric company eon to use a halogen heater as and when needed! they told me that you pay a lower rate at night for when they are on and a higher rate in day (when everything else is on!).
Electric heating during the day is rarely sensible, but storage heaters can be very economical when powered-up at night during the low-tariff period for those with dual-rate (Economy 7) meters, and unlike gas heaters, they are 100% efficient: all the electricity they consume is turned into heat. This is true of almost any electric heater, so I don't know why your electricity company recommended halogen! In fact, given that they glow, a small amount of electricity is wasted as light instead of heat!
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