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Graves Park, Leave your memories here

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We used to go to Graves Park a lot when I was little and walk round the animals on a Sunday afternoon. Learnt a lot as well about the place because my great-grandad was park keeper there at some point (during the war I believe), so my grandad has told me a few tales of the place. Went a lot last year during summer as well, nice place for an afternoon walk so I expect when the weather picks up I'll be there again :)

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We used to do our cross country running in Graves park from school(Rowlinson), i remember there was a little shed a few of us used to hide in as we ran past to have a smoke and wait for the rest to get back and join in again :hihi:, also, did a lot of my "courting" as they say in that park :D

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Is it my imagination, but on the Chesterfield Road/ Meadowhead side, wasn't there some kind of overgrown concrete amphitheatre ??


It isn't concrete.


The amphitheatre was a disused quary that was adapted for outdoor plays. It is still there more or less opposite Morrisons.


It was not used that much due to the midges.


Does anyone remember Supertramp peforming a free concert in the park around 1970?.

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We used to do our cross country running in Graves park from school(Rowlinson), i remember there was a little shed a few of us used to hide in as we ran past to have a smoke and wait for the rest to get back and join in again :hihi:, also, did a lot of my "courting" as they say in that park :D


also did the same cross country , left rowlinson in 1975.

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As an ex Norton lad, I too have very fond memories of Graves Park.


The usual things, football and cricket until it went dark. Fishing in the boating lake with the shouts of "Parky" before running away. The Sheffield Show, and firework displays. And then some less usual things. Anybody else remember ice-skating on the middle lake, we did this a couple of times. Free tennis and pitch'n putt in the summer before uni, fantastic. Visits to the nurseries (yes it did happen), and exploring some derelict buldings.


I remember collapsing after a game of football one hot summer day, shirtless and with our bottles of warm water, when my best friend turned to me and just said, "Aren't we lucky to have all this on our doorstep?"


It's good to see so many here from the St.Lukes thread. We obviously know the value of this parkland for future generations. I know it's not as appreciated by the current generation, with their playstations etc, as it was by us. But I am pretty certain with the arrival of peak-oil that this asset will become even more valuable.

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