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Bombed Out In Fowler Terrace 1940


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Hi, again,

As far as i know did not know the kerleys,but it is possable, I was only 5 years old, when we got bomed out in 1940, so i would maybe have known any children they had if they were about my age.



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I don't remember those names, but half way up fowler street was the Shaws they had a son Graham who became a foot baller, and the 2 Bladen girls who lived at the shop, and the others I have said in my past reply, there

was a william he was about my age (5) in Grove Street but I believe he was killed on that night.I do not remember everyone as I am now 73

Kind Regards


I've just been thro' this thread again and rest assured the Shaws didn't get bombed out. Their house was intact until the clearances as far as I know. I base all this due to the fact we ( of the Hayward Road gang) used to play football down there in '44. He had a brother did Graham, younger brother, an obnoxious little fellow. Bladens grocers was just below Shaw's yard, It was the only decent grocers in the district. Remember Kramer, the butcher, I think it was just across the road. Thinking about it, they didn't get all that many bombs down there because Herr Kramer was of German ancestry. Hey, I just made that up.

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Fowler st. i rebember it well , i lived in shaws yard , 8 houses in yard . top of yard my aunt liz and husband joe, next house down dont know , next down shaws, next down old man , next was us living with annie and jim dale, next my grandma price , next not known ,next back of bladens shop . dad used to park his car on bombed out terrace . i was aged 5 .

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  • 4 months later...

My late mum Alice lived in Marshall St near to Fowler with her parents and brother Walter. It was her 14th birthday on the day of the bombing and I remember her telling me that she had been out with friends and as she was coming home the raid started. as you can imagine , she was absolutely terrified and was running to try and get home. Her life was saved by a neighbour grabbing her and dragging her into their cellar. When they came out all was devastation but her family was lucky and they all survived although they were bombed out. Some of th story is a bit hazy and I would dearly love to be able to sit and talk with my lovely mum for just five minutes more. I'm sure I remember her saying that she still had to start work that week even after all the trauma. Just remind me of how lucky we all are nowdays .

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