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Players Bar, West St.


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Chavs, Nah not our thing at Players, you see two and half years ago we opened Players Bar in Newcastle targeting the North-east’s love of sport and huge student population, now after time spent looking it was decided that Sheffield was the best place for our second venue.


The dancers both MALE & Female are local talent, and we will regally have auditions to showcase this and new talent in the city as well as working closely with the universities to put on some of the biggest student nights in town, with dancers every night and 7 different DJ’s to keep the nights fresh and unique.

Come the weekend, we keep the music trendy (not chav), and the drinks prices still reasonable.

Also with 2 large projectors and a many smaller screens, we will strive to show all the big sport events too.


The bar is all about fun and having a good time after all that’s what nights out are.

That said of course it won’t be to everyone's taste but no one can please everyone, and also it would be boring if all bars and clubs were the same and did the same thing.


We have only been in Sheffield for one weekend and already we are loving it and cant wait to get into our stride in the new year, anyone who’s been to our flagship venue in Newcastle will know how we do things and how popular that bar is, we just hope we can do Sheffield proud and show you all a good time, or at least as most of you as possible.


Many Thanks.


Kev Laws


Oh for more info we are on facebook, myspace or http://www.playersbars.com

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i second what CarlSheff says. i hope Players takes a more enlightened approach.


we've made it a point to not patronize places in town that observe such policies. (and we tend to spend a fair bit having a few after work)


if our money is not good during term time, then we don't want to support your business during the quiet trading season either.

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No we will NOT have that policy, everyone is invited to join us every night of the week, the students nights just mean better drink deals. Also the student drink prices will even run when the students are not here E.G over summer and christmas, so those nights and THOSE PRICES will run all year round.


That way everyone can enjoy them.

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Noted, I will pass on your comments to the GM about the pool table, we are having a few opening week teething problems, but we'll get past them, lol, hell who doesnt.


As for last nights prices, get used to them, thats the prices EVERY monday.


Hope you had fun, thanks for coming down.

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