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Sainsbury's Is Top Entertainment


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I don't need to lurk round Tesco any more in the hope of seeing Oafs and other nutters because I have discovered Archer Rd Sainsbury's, and it's brilliant fun!


We saw a great Oaf family in there today, swearing and yelling, pushing their trolley of cheap ale around. And the till assistant was little short of utterly bonkers.


But the best thing was the posh bint having a hissy fit in the car park. She nearly ran us over in her Volvo 4x4 first of all (with one of those fancy plates with loads of Os in it - I think the Os must stand for Oafess) in her rush to park in a parent and child space and then proceeded to have a row with the trolley guy who told her to shift it. She even flounced as she went back to her truck and shrieked "I'm NEVER shopping here again!". I've no idea what she was in such a rush to buy, perhaps she'd got diarrhoea?


It was top fun, I'm definitely shopping in there again, and what's more the cake I got was superb. :thumbsup:

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She even flounced as she went back to her truck and shrieked "I'm NEVER shopping here again!". I've no idea what she was in such a rush to buy, perhaps she'd got diarrhoea?


Maybe saw the price of the turkeys!

My Mrs. was lurking around one at £67!

(and no, she didn't!)

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i was in there yesterday lol and the man who collects trollies came up 2 me and put his hand on my shoulder all seriouse then said oooooo dont tell on me but i really need a fag could you give me one !!! i couldnt believe his cheek not a done thing scrounging off the customers .... i wuda give him one but it was the way he asked and then when i said no he said thanks for nowt n walked off in a huff hahahahahah

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£32.55p for a Cambridge Bronze turkey from Crawshaws butchers. 13lb + in weight and of the finest quality. I think they are on a par with the Norfolk Black/Bronze and mine will also supposedly feed 8.

I balked at the price of my bird but there is no way could I justify paying £67 for one!!!

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Sainsbury's on Archer is like that every friday, but was particularly bad last night, people just abandoning thier trolley's in inappropriate places to go and look at discounted toothpaste or someting and mooning around as if they were on drugs, Posh and Becks lookalikes blocking me in and then expecting me to move when i am surrounded by trolleys, then demanding eggs when i clearly can't move away from the bloomin eggs in the first place. By the way Posh, if you are listening, shopping trollys with 8 year old boys in tend to be a bit heavier when they go over your toes don't they? And having to stand your 8 year old in a trolly for his own safety is a bit much.

"I don't want to get to the end of my life and find that I have just lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well."

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