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Panic Buying Food At Christmas -why


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People buy 4 times as much food because they often eat 4 times as much food - my list always includes Immodium and Rennies as well as all the grub knowing the onslaught my guts are gonna get :thumbsup:


Anyway, I had mine delivered so I was the smug get, just popping in to browse for cakes and ale. ;)


Why don't people buy most of the stuff in advance each week? Meat, milk, bread, party food, even cakes can be frozen, and everything else comes out of a packet/jar except veg, so in theory the shops should just be full of people buying a few pound of little green trump-makers :D

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I went to waitrose this evening - thought i would treat myself as its christmas. Big mistake, the sehlves were empty, there was virtually no veg at all, hardly any fruit, loads of bare shelves. In the end I got a few bits and bobs then went to tesco. It was much quieter there and I got everything I needed for much less cost. This time of year is madness. For all this talk of recession, the amount people buy is unreal.

They were queueing to get INTO the bank this afternoon! (oh, just thought - what if they know something I don't???)

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As Yog said, we did a pretty normal monthly shop at Morrisons. Although I did support our local butcher, Batty's, by ordering a duck from them a few days ago which I picked up this morning. Short queue, staff as friendly as usual. Actually I wanted to say a big thankyou to one of the girls working there. She had a really pretty glittery leaf decoration in her hair and when I asked her where she got it from because it looked so lovely, she told me she'd made it herself by cutting up a xmas wreath, and gave me a similar one from off the Christmas box! How sweet is that? :) Sometimes it's too easy to moan moan moan about what isn't right and forget all the nice things that happen!

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I eat loads anyway so no difference to xmas except we need supplies now but I need to go to the supermarket tomorrow. Just need the basics and a few nibbles for when me and husband are back home.


your going shopping on christmas day :huh:

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