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Panic Buying Food At Christmas -why


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Strange week in the supermarkets -Sainsburys at CP sent people home as they were overstaffed on Monday. Yesterday you couldn't find a parking space. Today they opened @ 6.am and it hasn't even been busy.

(Conversed with a nice ladyyyyyyy at the checkout with my biscuits for cheese purchase)


btw all Tu clothes are halfprice.

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I don't get it either. Admittedly we went to Sainsburys crystal peaks monday (just for 2 selection boxes and some baby milk) and it was fairly busy. We then did our normal weekly shop at Morrisons Meadowhead Monday night, was normal. Yesterday we nipped into Asda Handsworth for the OH's dad's beer as we were passing and OMG, mayhem (this was about 3-4pm)! Queuing down the aisles! Today we went to Morrisons again for blummin milk and fresh bread (the nice stuff we got had gone a bit stale and I have to have it soft!) and it was quiet, nothing like the mad rush we expected!


The OH's mum and dad are cooking xmas dinner There are 7 of us total including one toddler, but they spent £123 in Morrisons last night, then she said she 'had' to nip to Iceland for party food today when we saw her. We then bumped into her at Morrisons today, again! WTF! People are crrrraaaazy this time of year!

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i work at morrisons part time and people have been buying ***** loads of stuff spending £300+ and were supposed to be in ressescion?!


Customers like this are needed to pay the fees for Richard Hammond doing his bit on the promotional commercials, I heard he picked up approx. £750,000 for the first one alone. Also the staff get a 10% shopping discount and then profit share in April so the more like him that come in the better so don't knock it, show a bit of cleavage on the checkout and encourage it.

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a lot of the panic bought food will end up in the bin tomorrow after people realise that the 3 lorry loads they bought on xmas eve was a little toomuch for a family of 3 and they wont need it all as the nuclear war has been canceled and there was no need to stockpile. oh well just think ofthe credit card bill in janruary for £400 spent in asda:D:D

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Just got back from shopping and Asda is manic again, drove in from the Parkway slip road entrance, got over the speed bump and traffic was just queueing, has someone declared a war or a strike or something? it is ridiculous. I went straight out, well I queued to get out and went to Morrisons where it was relatively quiet. :huh:

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Just got back from shopping and Asda is manic again, drove in from the Parkway slip road entrance, got over the speed bump and traffic was just queueing, has someone declared a war or a strike or something? it is ridiculous. I went straight out, well I queued to get out and went to Morrisons where it was relatively quiet. :huh:


is the same at asda in chapletown. i drove past today and they are queueing to get in the car park:loopy::loopy::loopy::loopy:

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