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Possible Food poisoning...Ecclesall Road

Wonder Boy

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A long shot really...took the family out for a meal at well known diner on Ecclesall road last night (Monday 22nd Dec 2008). We both had cheese burgers, the kids had just burgers.


Only just surfaced after a night and day of some of the most violent vomiting and persistent *****$ I have ever known. Wife the same but has not chucked up, daughter also chucking up.


Don't want to name the restaurant but if you suffered similar or know anyone who did please pm and let me know.

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no symptoms before or after, would say illness lasted for less than 12 hours until 'it' got out of the system. Just feel weak today, but slowly recovering energy levels.


don't want to name publicly for obvious legal reasons, though if it wasn't Christmas eve I would contact environmental health dept

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Asst Mod Note....


Since the OP declined to name the venue, can we please not specualte as to where it may be.


It would be quite a serious accusation, especially at this time of year with record levels of flu etc would be difficult to prove without an Environmental Health investigation. Therefore could be libellous to the business allegedly invloved.

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It doesn't sound like food poisoning to me when I had it, I was ill for a few days it really takes some getting back on your feet. I also had gastro enteritis (sorry about spelling) and it took about 6 weeks for me to be totally well again.


It sounds more (as other posters have said) like the bug going round.

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Would a stomach bug (virus) affect the whole family at the same time though?


Usually when it's a virus (or whatever), it affects one person first and then there's a gap before subsequent members get the bug.


How long was it between the beef burgers being eaten and the onset of symptoms? Also, did you have any side dishes that the whole family ate?


Hope you're all better now and had a good Christmas.



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