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How are you finding job hunting at the moment?

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Argghhhh tell me about it! They only ever seem bothered whilst they're getting you in to sign up, i must be registered with every one of the damn places in Sheffield by now and not a single one is now replying to my emails :rolleyes:

I might just set up a new email and see if they will respond then, what a waste of time.

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Charlotte, I did that last week and low and behold, they want to know me now! Even though its the SAME CV!!!!


Can you belive it??


I can!


Good luck Jobhunting though...hope something comes up because its going to get worse.

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Charlotte, I did that last week and low and behold, they want to know me now! Even though its the SAME CV!!!!


Can you belive it??


I can!


Good luck Jobhunting though...hope something comes up because its going to get worse.


Thanks, same to you too :)


I've been looking for months, already had a few interviews which seemed to go well and i had excellent feedback from. So keeping my fingers crossed!


I can believe that, the amount of times i've been told that an agency can find me work and they have several vacancies on their books, just come down and register... then nowt. Never mind the fact that they only open during normal working hours, helpful hey? :loopy:

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Hi Everyone Do you know what you all say about applying for jobs and not even getting an acknowledgement,well i have posted on this post trying to show you how you can earn some brass but no one has even acknowledged it,either to say that seems ok or thanks but i'm not interested.But all i can say if i was as desperate as you all say you are i would try anything.http://www.eze2go.com/116605

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