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Walker manufacturing sheffield ltd


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iv been searching the internet for information, history and mostly images of the old "WALKER manufacturing sheffield ltd".

"Walker Manufacturing

Rear Of, 51 Athol Road


S8 0PA" thats the adress and thats also the only thing i have found out about it..


im looking for images/information etc. of this building because recently me and my friend came across this empty, run down building and when we went inside we found lots of posters, products etc of what this company must of made years ago. im really intrested in what this building looked like when it was up and running..

if anybody has any problems with what i have wrote and wish for it to be removed thats fine.. i just dont know anywere else i could find anything about this place.


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The building you entered was vacated about 5 years ago. Walker's itself was then absorbed into Wentworth Pewter, which itself may no longer exist.


Walker's made gift and presentation items in pewter.


When the factory was operational it was little different from how you see it today. It was one of the darkest, most miserbale, dirty and dangerous places I have ever been in.


You can tell the contempt the employees had for the place by all the items that they left behind including business papers, catalogues, packaging and office equipment. It is a major fire waiting to happen.


It was due for demolition as a developper put forward a plan to build apartments on the site but nothing has happened for years except a wooden fence marking the perimeter of the land purchased.


Wentworth Pewter - if they still exist - may have more information.

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