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Anyone in Royal Navy 1958-1974.


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I just scrape into your time-frame !

I joined the Navy in 1958 but I shouldn't have done.! I was in the wrong branch , having had some very poor advice given me at the recruiting office.

Anyway , I was in the Electrical Branch and went to H.M.S. Collingwood , near Fareham. I was useless at the work but at least I learned a bit about life and how to be more independent.

It wasn't enough though and I was "discharged as unsuitable " about 9 months after joining. Not a very glittering career , was it ?

The pay then for a boy "sailor" [rating] was 14 pounds 50 pence a month , paid fortnightly. It was all spending money , of course and we always seemed to have enough to get kettled and spend the occasional weekend in Portsmouth or Southampton.

Used to go in the Bargate in Southampton , which was a bit scary at 16 years of age-----but at least there were always a few "skins" in !

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I left 1 year before you joined(1957) ships im order HMS'S royal arthur, Collingwood, Chequers, Tyne,Defiance, Glory, Birmingham, Pincher, together with short periods in Pembroke (Chatham) and Ricasoli (Malta) finished up as a PO electrician and went back to work on my last ship (Pincher) in Troon as a civvy electrician

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joined august 59 as JM(E)2 @ ralleigh

went on junior ice course chatham barracks before joining Redoubt in malta and going to the gulf.

JASWAC for three months then the Squirrel for a year, on to Osprey for three months then the Berwick for 21 months.

Killicks course at Sultan before joining Brave Swordsman. Joined Puncheston in Singers and took it to the gulf. Was in Aden fro three months, mainly tied up at Steamer Point jetty. There when mad mitch "took" Crater City (after the SBS had gone in the night before and secured it!)

Back to sultan for Senior ICE course and joined the Chichester.

Left her in the Beira patrol area and took pasage to Mombassa on the Dido to fly home for discharge. Escorted prisoner to London, getting home on xmas eve

Released as POM(E) in March 70.

Now living in Nuneaton but visit Sheffield regularly to see my eldest lad and grandkids. Meet up with an old workmate of mine also. He put me in touch with this site.

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Good to see so many ex matelots on the site. I used '58 as a starting point as so many of my school pals joined as boys. I went to ganges in '60 as a boy signalman. Changed branches in '69 to regulating and left the mob in '74 as Jaunty of the Amazon. Don't turn your noses up.....I was one of the good 'uns.

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Desmitch [or anyone ?]

I know this is a long shot but does anyone remember a P.O. Shearan [or Shearden ?] from Leeds who was our P.O at H.M.S.Collingwood , 1958-1959.

Also , there was a Chief P.O. Edwards who used to scare us to death , verbally ----but , looking back I would imagine he was a well-known character-----so someone may remember him ?

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These POs may not have been there in the early 50s but I do recall an ex matelot who worked as a dishwasher in the canteen who was the most tatood guy I'd ever seen. Not an inch of his body had been missed (we took his word about his privare areas!!)

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