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Anyone in Royal Navy 1958-1974.


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Having started this thread, I am pleased to see all the replies. Mrseggy, I joined the Andrew as a boy signalman doing partII training at HMS Mercury, a fellow communicator. I reached the dizzy hights of killick bunting then changed branches to regulating. I retired as the Jaunty of HMS Amazon. Too many runs ashore and too many "Blackcats" to recant on this forum, but as ex matelots we all know the score. Keep it rolling.


Maybe a change of thread title and open this up to all of us ex and current matelots?


Joined '78 and also in the Comms Branch (sparker). Got flown out to Rio to join my first ship (Kent) and on walking onboard discovered that it was the ships first day of two weeks there :D Obviously left a lasting impression on me because I stayed in for 27 years :wow: I got to Chief Radio Supervisor and left slightly disillusioned once they compulsory changed my branch title to CPO (Communications) and professional/disciplinary standards had dropped considerably.

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  • 2 years later...

I agree SIMONJ it should have a new name. I joined Feb 48 and I hadn't a clue what I wanted to be but a mate's brother was called up during the war as a telegraphist so I said telegraphist. Trained at Cookham Camp at Rochester Chatham. Ships: Royal Arthur, Bicester, Tamar, Cossack(Korea), Lossiemouth, Gorregan (coal burning trawler used as inshore minesweeping, then Dalswinton. Any one served in the 8th destroyer flotilla we have a great reunion at Scarborough and take over the Spa Centre.

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i've never actually been in the royal navy but worked the last 5 years on and off in the oz navy (ffg frigates mainly)the money they get now compared to your day i think you"d join up again .if you go to the persian gulf the lowest rating gets nearly a 1000 $ aweek on top of is pay tax free .on a 6 month deployment its not bad money. on the subs even more money.and they can't get crew .6 subs 1 opperational 1 in dry dock and the other 4 none opperational .i think they run them on a 2thirds crew.

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Quite a few posts from JOSSMAN who to all of us who knew him was Peter Swan,an ex Hillsborough lad who loved life and often spoke of his Navy days. Pete sadly died a couple of months ago..

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Left Central Tech. 1949, joined RN Oct 49 as Jnr Stoker, left in 1972 as Engineer lieutenent. Largest ship HMS VANGUARD (Battleship) , smallest HMS HECLA ( Oceangraphic Survey Ship) As a rating I was in Devonport Division.

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Left Central Tech. 1949, joined RN Oct 49 as Jnr Stoker, left in 1972 as Engineer lieutenent. Largest ship HMS VANGUARD (Battleship) , smallest HMS HECLA ( Oceangraphic Survey Ship) As a rating I was in Devonport Division.


I also joined in '49 ( had a look round the Vanguard whilst in Pompey) Joined as a JEM (Chatam Division)and left in '57 as a PO Electrician. Spent most of my time in the Med, Ships destroyer, HMS's Chequers ( prince phillip was 1st lieut.) I was cinema operator during the Queens visits to him. Cruiser HMS Birmingham (again in the Med) we made two films on board, I was an extra in both. "The baby and the battleship" "& the battle of the river plate" Sub depot ship HMS tyne. again in the Med. Aircraft carrier. HMS Glory,just one trip out to the far east.and training establishments HMS's Royal Arthur, Collingwood & Defiance Ended time preparing HMS Pincher in troon (scotland) for readiness for reserve fleet, left navy and rejoined HMS Pincher as civvy electrician.. and thats it!

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  • 8 months later...

To mrseggy,

Great to see Steve Ibbotson's name on here. i remember him as well as anyone could after nearly 38 years! I joined the Navy on the same day as him 24.10.72. My name is Jeremy Smith and I was in his class/group for a few months before finding out I was rubbish at reading morse code and sent back a class. If Steve is reading this it would be great to get back in touch after all these years. Oddly enough I am in touch with a few of the lads we joined up with. Names Steve may remember are Hayward, Nelson, Black, Harding and Mellows. I left the mob in 1977 as it wasn't for me. Haven't regretted it for one minute although I do enjoy the annual Ark Royal communications reunions more than I should do!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I joined in May 1965 at Raliegh and then onto to Dryad for radar training. Drafted to HMS Brighton about May 1966, we were heading for the far east but were put on Biera patrol first running out of Mombasa, what a great run ashore that was!!! we then spent a the rest of the year around Singers, Hong Kong, Japan, Thialand etc it was a hard life, we also had to go too Aden Mad Mitch and all that, after our return we formed the first NATO squadron in Portland with abot 4/5 other nations and went on a tour of USA east coast, Britain and Norway oh I forgot Bermuda, San Juan and the Virgin Isles, I told you it was a hard life. I then got drafted into Hunter Killler subs in 1969 serving mainly on HMS Warspite and Swiftsure, I left in 1974 not bad for a Killamarsh lad.

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