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Anyone in Royal Navy 1958-1974.


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I agree SIMONJ it should have a new name. I joined Feb 48 and I hadn't a clue what I wanted to be but a mate's brother was called up during the war as a telegraphist so I said telegraphist. Trained at Cookham Camp at Rochester Chatham. Ships: Royal Arthur, Bicester, Tamar, Cossack(Korea), Lossiemouth, Gorregan (coal burning trawler used as inshore minesweeping, then Dalswinton. Any one served in the 8th destroyer flotilla we have a great reunion at Scarborough and take over the Spa Centre.


Hi, I was part of the crew of MMS 1788 which founded in the North sea 1952. We were rescued by the Gorregan and taken to the Firth of Fourth, before landing. Were you on the Gorrigan at this time? Bill.

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I joined in January 1960. My time at Ganges is so ingrained in my memory that when I retired I decided to write about my 386 days at Shotley Gate. In July 2012 I was fortunate to find myself a publisher who published 'HMS Ganges Days' as an e-book. I purposefully avoided all the 'winging' stuff and tried to produce a book that would rekindle some long forgotten memories whilst attempting to be humorous. It's selling well, so if you want to know more it can be purchaed from Amazon or other e-book web sites for about £6

My name is Peter Broadbent 28 recruitment P/053653 Ex Junior Seaman 2nd Class

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