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Don't pay to get in Pubs NY Eve!


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Come on tight pants. A couple of quid is nothing and it's a tip for the people working on new year - while everyone else is getting trashed.


If people don't want to pay, they can go somewhere else or stay at home and watch big ben. It's new year, everyone expects to pay a little extra.

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There's no where in town that has anything special enough to make it worth paying to get in! And those that do charge tend to be the places that will cram people in until you can't move and play music sooo loud you can't hear - yes, I am getting old :)

If an entrance fee meant fewer people let in so that there was a bit more room in some of these places, I might consider paying it, but at the moment it's clearly just a way of milking punters.

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Come on tight pants. A couple of quid is nothing and it's a tip for the people working on new year - while everyone else is getting trashed.


If people don't want to pay, they can go somewhere else or stay at home and watch big ben. It's new year, everyone expects to pay a little extra.


Well tightpants runs a few establishments...

I'm taking it this is a thread to get us crammed in either the york, the dove and rainbow and any other affiliates. I heard the other day the previous dove and rainbow owner john? fluffed everything up and had to move dahn saaf hence why the d & r bar shut up.

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The pub where I'm going on NYE is charging £10 to get in.


I hear some are charging £15-20


Frankly, it's taking the pizz, but what to do when you want to go out and celebrate with friends? Of course staying home is an option, but I don't want to.


I understand that some pubs aren't charging - but I don't want to go to those pubs - if I did, I'd have arranged to go. I want to go where I want to go. I just don't expect to be charged for it.


Guess I'll just have to get over it. :rolleyes:

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If people pay it, people will charge it...same goes for lots of things, nothing changes unless people stop giving in and paying...but they dont..so it wont!


I'm stopping at home and having a few friends around instead.

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