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Sheffield stories - teenage years

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* Do you have stories to tell of what it was like when you were a teenager?

* Could you spare some time to talk to a young person about your teenage years?

* Would you like to see your experiences turned into a show or film?


If your answer to these questions is “Yes” – we want to hear from you!


We are looking for people around Sheffield (starting with S10) who young people can talk to, so they can create short plays or films of teenage life in the past.


If you are happy to take part, I will put you in touch with a school or youth group and ask them to contact you to arrange a convenient time and place for the interview. They may ask to record and/or video the interview and may also need to get back to you later for more details and to arrange a performance. They may be able to visit you, or you could come to their school/club – I will leave you to agree on this.


Please contact me if you are interested in taking part.


Nick Rousseau

52 Den Bank Drive, Sheffield S10 5PG

Tel: 0114 2301 406 (evenings and weekends)

Email: sheffieldstories@rousseau59.plus.com

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