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Carling Academy - Pet Sounds New Years Farce


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Not sure if anyone went to Academy (formerly Carling, now O2) for New Years but it was an absolute farce.


Firstly the queue was huge for those who had bought tickets in advance, at 11:30 the queue was a good way down Arundel Gate, well well past the bottom of the ramp to the bottom of the venue. They eventually sped it up, presumably when they realised that if things continued at their original pace, people would be stood outside in the cold when the clock struck midnight.


Then when we finally got in at about 11:35/11:40, the cloakroom had closed?! On one of the coldest nights of the Winter? Needless to say, plenty of people were carrying their coats around with them all night. Ridiculous.


The best bit came when we got to the bar just after that and there was a sign behind the bar saying that the bar would close for 30 minutes between 11:45pm and 00:15am! I finally got to the front at 11:44pm and the barman said that he'd be serving the guy next to me then they'd be closing! I asked one of the other staff why and he just said that they wanted to celebrate New Years too! Surely when you agree to work in a club you have to expect to sacrifice these things? Also, there wouldn't have been anyone actually at the bar at midnight as everyone would have been with their friends by that point. Most baffling though, I don't understand how closing the bar would make any financial sense, they must have lost literally thousands in that time period by having the bars closed. I'm sure if Carling's management were aware that one of the venues they sponsor selling their product were closing the bar for 30 minutes on the busiest night of the year then heads would subsequently roll!


The Courteeners were pretty poor too!


Luckily, a good night was salvaged by their good music and friends!


I have thought for a few weeks that Pet Sounds had been going downhill since the rebrand with poor DJing and a poor sound system and whilst they pulled some of that back with some good tunes, they had an organisational nightmare. I hope that with O2 coming in they bring changes to how the place is run but I severly doubt that will happen.

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The best bit came when we got to the bar just after that and there was a sign behind the bar saying that the bar would close for 30 minutes between 11:45pm and 00:15am! I finally got to the front at 11:44pm and the barman said that he'd be serving the guy next to me then they'd be closing! I asked one of the other staff why and he just said that they wanted to celebrate New Years too! Surely when you agree to work in a club you have to expect to sacrifice these things?


in fairness, this is standard practice at most bars and clubs at new year.


this is one of the 3 years in the last 10 that i havent worked behind a bar for NYE and the staff have always had a bit of downtime at midnight, no matter what the venue.


i know you must have been peeved, but the queuing and cloakroom issues would have had nothing to do with the bar staff, so dont take it out on them....complain to the management who failed to do their job- manage.




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I didn't take the queueing or cloakroom issue out on them, just asked them why they were closing.


30 minutes is extremely excessive in such a large venue. Imagine the queues at 12:15am...


It's also illegal as they need to be able to supply water to customers.

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I am not aware of any clubs or pubs that shut the bar around Midnight to allow the staff to 'celebrate'. What a joke. The staff are there to work!!!! Rediculous .......


Every Pub/Bar I've ever worked in has done this.

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We do this every year. Shut the bar for 15 mins (12 - 12:15).

We announce it over the mic in plenty of time so everyone can get themselves a drink in time for midnight.


It's nice for the staff to be able to take a quick break/drink/fag and to wish each other and the regulars a happy new year on the other side of the bar.

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Completely different in a pub though, you have well over a thousand? people in a club the size of academy. The money involved and the numbers of people who go back when it opens are huge, especially after an excessive amount of time like 30 minutes.

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