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Carling Academy - Pet Sounds New Years Farce


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clubs generally close the bar for at least 15 min on nye

a venue of 2300 capacity will have big queues if everyone buys tickets - nothing you can do about this short of having 3 or 4 entrances

a cloakroom will fill up more quickly when it is particularly cold (don't need a genius to work this one out)

I think that's exactly the point. If people are outside queuing they're not inside spending money. Seems a missed opportunity for the owners. Same with cloakrooms - provide enough space for coats and you take more money.

You're probably right in that things won't change. But it does seem an odd way to manage a business - not take money off customers. Hey-ho as you know what you're talking about clearly others are wrong and the best way to run a business is to let customers keep money in their pockets.

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You clearly do not have a clue..


Having managed and worked in bars and clubs for over 10 years now, and each one stopping service on NYE to allow the hard working staff chance to celebrate too, is nothing new.


The "£6,000" claimed to be in lost revenue & profit margins (which makes no sense) between 11.45 and 12.15 - Do you really think that the £3.00 (or whatever) that each person at the bar had in their hand at 11.45 would be put back in their pockets and not spent at the venue after 11.45 had passed?

Ridiculous, of course it would have been, whether they spent that money on a drink at 11.45 or at 12.16 onwards it would have still been spent.


Spare a thought for the hard working staff on NYE in any bar or club who have notes waived in their faces, plastic glasses thrown at them, abuse, rudeness, etc.


Instead of moaning.

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Yes that's right. No clue.

Closing a bar for half an hour equals half an hour of lost revenue-gaining time. There's no getting away from that. I can sympathise that the employer may want to let staff celebrate too and are happy to take the hit of lost money, but combined with the OP's other points, it clearly made for a disappointing evening.

Not having cloakroom space is inexcusable, any number of temporary solutions could be put in place for the colder part of the year, perhaps they'll look at that.

As for sparing a thought for the hardworking bar staff, I've done that job, it is hard. But at the end of the day they're there to do a job whatever evening it is.

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It surprises me how many potential venue managers they are on this thread. Through my involvement with venues I've seen that this is not an easy job. The venue owners are out to maximise revenue, the customers want the best night out possible and the managers are stuck somewhere in between. I think some of the comments here need to be directed towards the venue owners rather than the managers. It is they who set most of the rules.

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I've followed this thread with interest and I have to say that the worst that the OP can have said to suffered is bad luck and bad planning.


The Academy has huge queues on a regular weekend night, the queue for NYE was only ever going to be massive. Matt says they were letting a person a second in. I honestly don't see what else can be done. To shift that amount of people into the venue at that rate is a great acheivement. Even for the people with tickets those tickets need to be checked, the people looked at to make sure they are ok to enter the venue and the stream of people kept flowing smoothly.


The amount of cloakrom space is an issue but it is a design flaw of the building rather than a fault of the management, these things take time to resolve, presumably theres a property manager at head office or something similar who has to ok any changes to the buildings. Something like this isn't part of the remit of venue managers. While it is unfortunate it is also practically unavoidable.


Far as I know most venues shut the bar for a time at NYE. 30 minutes does seem a bit much but as explained 10 minutes to secure the bars, 10 minutes off, 10 minutes to set back up. Its unfortunate but happy staff are good staff. The OP was just unfortunate to get there as the bars closed.


While I sympathise with the OP I don't think most of the blame can be passed to venue management

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I went on NYE arrived about half eleven yes the que was big but I did expect this, however we were picking tickets up from the venue so went in the shorter que which was fab. The sound wasn't great but the Courteneers were brill had a top night!! Collect tickets from venue in future gets you in the shorter que!!

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Was annoying at Crasher when the cloakroom was full...they only had one cloakroom open as far as I could tell (think the other one is upstairs but wasn't in use). Still Manuel le Saux took my coat back to his hotel room for me...all's well that ends well! (and that aside Crasher was mint!)

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