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Howell and Co. Ltd. Alsing Road.


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Any ex Howell & Co. employees out there?

I was employed there as an apprentice fitter from 1961 to 65, finished up in the toolroom in the finned tube department.

The factory was on Alsing Road, Wincobank, where the Meadowhall centre now stands, does anyone know when the factory closed?

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I started my first job across the road at Millspaugh in September 1968 and I would guess Howells closed around 1973. Millspaugh then took over their premises an then they finally in closed 1977. I remember the wooden hut on the corner selling newspapers in the morning.

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  • 5 years later...

My father worked for Howells all his life, and wrote a history of the company when he retired. I have a copy somewhere, so could check information. I remember visits to the factory as a child.

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  • 7 months later...

Hi my Grandfather was a tube drawer at Howells worked from been a youth all his working life, my Father also worked at Howells lived on Merton lane Wincobank. I know grandad was in the Homeguard and believe it was connected to Howells, possibly some sort of factory section or platoon . Any ideas or info much appreciated

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  • 1 month later...

I worked at Howells as an apprentice fitter under foreman George Bowers other foremen I remember are Smith machine shop king draw bench maintenance foreman Pheasey. engineer Hatton personnel manager my father also worked there all his working life father was in Howells luck and vanish squad Barry apprentice welder lived in Wincobank family had a cobblers shop I used to buy my girl friends handbags from there she is now my wife of 50 years

Edited by Craven man
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I worked at Howells as an apprentice fitter under foreman George Bowers other foremen I remember are Smith machine shop king draw bench maintenance foreman Pheasey. engineer Hatton personnel manager my father also worked there all his working life father was in Howells luck and vanish squad Barry apprentice welder lived in Wincobank family had a cobblers shop I used to buy my girl friends handbags from there she is now my wife of 50 years


Hello Craven man, you must have been at Howells around about the same time as me, i`m Peter Smith and was an apprentice fitter. I remember all those names that you mention, I worked under George Bowers. Horace Smith was the Machine Shop boss - used to run a tight ship as I recall. Mr. Hatton personel manager set me on and I worked under Mr. Pheasey when I did my 6 month stint in the drawing office. Frank Kings men used to look after the draw benches like you say. Barry Wilkes was an apprentice welder, he used to live in Blackburn, his local was The Railway. It was Peter Chapman (apprentice turner) who`s parents owned the leather shop on Barrow road, his mother, Lizzy Chapman was a Cleaner at Howells. I am in regular contact with Pete Chapman even though I have lived in Norfolk for over 30 years, every year I have a couple of days in Sheffield with Pete, the beer is cheaper up there!

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