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Dave Pelzer (a Child Called It)

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Are you familiar with who Dave Pelzer is?


Dave Pelzer is a remarkable gentlemen who suffered severe child abuse since the age of 4 I wont go into too much detail but im just wondering if people know of him or have read any of his books his books are titled A child called 'IT', The lost boy, and a Man named dave.


anyway just a quiery to ask other peoples views on this remarkable gentlemen.

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I have read all the trilogy of his life in the books he has written the thing i find hard is, yes its aweful what he has been through but does he have any healing in his life? what he has doen is carry around his pain and angr at what has happend , there has been no forgiveness which you need to move on.

I have no doubt what he went through but again i know people who have had simular happen but they are victors not victims.

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The founding member of the Misery Lit clan. Made a fortune trading on his past, prompting claims about the authenticity of his reminiscences, and spawned a multitude of similar white-jacketed trauma and grief-fests. An entire genre that's decidedly not my cup of tea.

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read the trilogy about 5 years ago, very thought provoking. i must confess i have read a few of the same genre, 'gods call girl' being especially interesting. I also'enjoyed' if thats the right word! reading the story of the belgian girl kidnapped (sabine?). Recently read the story on the austrian girl kidnapped and kept in basement for years, but its not really from her view, so hard to differentiate whats true and whats opinion.


these books help me to appreciate whats good in my own life, and i try and stay clear of self indulgent whining authors!

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I have read the trilogy, thought they were quite heartbreaking personally. I don't think that he was carrying around his anger and bitterness about his mother and what she did to him, I thought it was a case of he had a story and wanted it to be told to make people aware of what is happening in the world to children. It is happening way too much - as we have been seeing on the news recently.


His brother, Richard Pelzer, however I don't think would have had a book released had it not been for his brother's story - harrowing as it was. I don't know if you read his book, but she turned on him after Dave was taken into care.

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If you had read the book im sure you would be a little more hesitant to fault the truths of it reason being the sort of abuse that has bin explained in his books is too intense for someone to make up these days theres controversy with everything.



I've never read the books but isn't there a lot of controversy with regards to the lack of truth in his claims?
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Emotional porn :huh:??


Yeah, that's how I think about it. It's extreme human emotion and suffering used to amuse, to titillate, as it were.

It's an unfortunate by-product of the major public breast-beating that surrounded Diana's death.

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